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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting -- he's the traitor. Fire him first.
  2. What, and screw up his call up to the majors for the Mets??
  3. Easy to mock the Weather Channel, but this is friggin cool: https://mobile.twitter.com/blkahn/status/1040306476273868800/video/1
  4. Cali is amazing. The idiots who run it are the pits. But hey, here in SF things are looking up. We've found another random statue to ban. https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/09/13/san-francisco-to-remove-statue-some-say-is-racist/
  5. You'd think one would expect a trained police office to be the more likely candidate to deescalate a situation than a guy who's facing the barrel of a gun pointed at him by an intruder in his home.
  6. Have they found the MJ way in her apt yet? Or released her BAC? I hope this B word frys.
  7. He really did. That was one of the guttier performances from any Met in a spot that big. That one still hurts. The 2006-2008 Mets remind me of the 1980-81 Bills; so much potential but couldn't get over the hump.
  8. We actually did that in high school on the backside of hurricane Gloria. Headed out during the eye, drove around to check out the action and went to the beach. Surfers had a rare opportunity to have some fun in LI Sound. Good times in the days before weather hysteria took over.
  9. The Weather Channel must be crestfallen.
  10. Society's downward spiral turned even more sharply downward the day twitter was invented. Worst invention ever.
  11. Just like in the other sports, they're pricing out the common fan (aka the riff raff) by design. Every pro sports owner aspires now to a wine and cheese crowd, which is what you get in big cities with winning teams. They'd rather sell one premium seat to a guy who won't show up most of the time than sell ten upper deck seats to guys who never miss a game.
  12. Depends on the guy, which is why cocky dicks usually make the best QBs.
  13. Or go full board the other way and head to the beach to enjoy Mother Nature's big show!
  14. Not a bad idea. He's a very personable guy with good name recognition. I could see hiring him for the PR dept.
  15. Because it's a commentary on Williams' career long lack of class and sportsmanship, not just about this one event. The color, gender, etc. of the background characters is completely immaterial to the point of the cartoon.
  16. I was in the front corner of the yellow building directly to the left of 75 Park Place. Interestingly, the business that made maps like this for the city rented us desks for about 20 of our employees for the next few months until we could move back downtown.
  17. You've hinted at the one thing I was always curious about. It's pretty reasonable to think they had teams on more than 4 planes that day.
  18. I'm conflicted on whether to give this a thumbs up or a Thanks.
  19. Like any competent GM, I'd post a poll asking the braintrust here what to do. Duh.
  20. But the artist didn't draw exaggerated "Sambo-like" features, even if that absurdly slanted article says so. Go back and look at some Sambo-era drawings and you'll see the difference. This 'controversy' is just more race card playing, designed to distract from the real outrage: Williams' idiotic behavior.
  21. Bay day. I hightailed it out of lower Manhattan ~9:30, before they fell. Good decision.
  22. She is the worst person in professional sports. Every single time she loses there is some excuse, someone who 'cheated' her or some other b.s. The Japanese girl was kicking her ass so she needed to thrown a tantrum, simple as that. And in the process she mars someone else's first title -- oh well, who cares about that! As they should, cartoon nailed it. There's nothing racist about calling out a black person for horrible behavior.
  23. 'four down territory' when you are down by 40? Good grief, the idiocy around here is reaching record levels.
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