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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Exactly. Is this for real? Seems very selfish to use their clout to only benefit themselves. The other 99% of the players sacrificed just as much. Yes, the NFL needs to fund a post-retirement medical plan. As for the 'salary' demands, I thought there was a pension, no?
  2. I can always defend a bad call. I can't defend a phantom call. How do you throw a flag on something you didn't see? That's the problem -- the default reaction is to throw a flag.
  3. Ah yes, a 'homeless' 22 year old. Oh how society failed him!
  4. I remember when an old, broken-down George Foster quit on the 1986 NY Mets. Somehow they were ok.
  5. St. John the Maverick honored at the Emmy Awards 'In Memoriam' segment. Because you know....he was, uh, on TV a lot. Apparently there were at least 3 people in the audience who voted for him.
  6. I agree, but guess they figured they’d get another crack at a top 5 pick!
  7. After one start, my expectations are that I wish we could swap the other 10 offensive starters with Kansas City.
  8. And they'd be an even bigger mess that would take even longer to clean up if someone hadn't had the balls to recognize the situation and undertaken the project to fix it. But it's much more fun to throw temper tantrums.
  9. You seriously don't understand the concept of short term roster fillers? Really? They have no cap room until next year and a finite number of draft picks each year. The goal from day 1 was to get the QB, something Whaley never address, which is why all his 'young talent' never got better than average.
  10. Ask me in 3-4 years Marrone is coaching a team on the upswing. If he maxs out at losing the AFCC than he's as accomplished as Rex Ryan. McD is coaching a team in the middle of a full-blown rebuild. And yes, they needed a full-blown rebuild. They were not going any higher than 9-8 with the team they had.
  11. btw....is it at all reasonable to suggest that Arizona might be even worse than the Bills? 6 points in 2 games???
  12. Yeah but Buftex isn't one of the nutjobs or morons, so he should know better. And I think he does. But I know a lot of previously sane individuals who have gone full out TDS and bought into the screaming hysterics of the last two years.
  13. You respect a guy who quit on his team in the middle of a game because he had some PR flunky write some sappy bull ****??
  14. Rush to cram? Serious ethic issues? Come on, stop. You know a con job when you see one. Liberals have attempted this smear job bull **** on virtually every Republican USSC nominee since Reagan. They are a disgust lot.
  15. Skip the game, visit the spectacular cathedral.
  16. I doubt anyone at OBD thinks they are worse than a 4-5 win team. The defense is not as bad as they showed last week.
  17. Yup; people completely discount that aspect of the game. The NFL completely altered the rules to favor modern QBs and no one has benefited more than Brady. Put him on the Pats in the 80s/90s against Bruce Smith and the Jets Sack Exchange or playing in the NFC East in those days and he wouldn't be nearly so magical. But you can only compare against your contemporaries so in that regard Brady is the best of this era.
  18. Finally read this, good piece. It’s been obvious since before last season the plan was for a complete rebuild. Some people just forgot in the excitement of breaking the drought. Those same people are the ones now in hysterics.
  19. Might not even make $1m before taxes if this is his last year. What does a fifth round pick earn? It ain’t life changing money.
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