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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! I'll have to give up watching football if I have to listen to the local dopes fawn over Tyrod all season.
  2. ND benches Tyrod Wimbush and promptly blows out a team they are supposed to blow out.
  3. I think the refs have decided there's a one-roughing call per game minimum on Matthews.
  4. Didn't you read all the pre-draft threads? He's the most pro ready!!
  5. That sucks. He should have learned how to step OOB watching Brady all those years.
  6. Now she wants Congress to wait for her to incorporate. Not following it that closely but absurd if they haven't scheduled the vote already, and told this !@#$ she can spew her lies Monday at 10:00, not a minute earlier or a minute later.
  7. So in other words....you're just taking ****. If there was any evidence he arranged the ex-girlfriend beating he'd have been charged. Yup. I especially love the mindset that a bunch of drunk cops in the VIP lounge at 2 am in the strip club are any less belligerent and entitled than a bunch drunk guys who are part of some athlete's posse.
  8. Never get less than twelve hours sleep. Never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city. Never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body.
  9. Being over the age of six, I don't really use straws anymore so not a big issue.
  10. My doctor did that yesterday and it only cost me a $20 co-pay!
  11. Or he gives one.....like Robert Downey Jr in Less Than Zero.
  12. Does it? Does being the worst poster since LSI really hurt? Don't take it so seriously, you don't seem very bright so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise.
  13. I guess the whole "how could a team trade away a playoff QB" thing is pretty much over, huh?
  14. Or one botched QB. Mayfield does look really good. Let's see what Sam can do.
  15. That was a pretty entertaining read, even if Mezrich takes wide liberties with the truth.
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