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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I bet you can negotiate that down quite a bit for the floor model.
  2. Oh look....some 12 year old is playing Wikipedia again! So kewl!!!
  3. Considering what an obvious sham this has been, I'd say only those few who are so bought in to the left wing nonsense that they'd sign off on literally any tactic to derail any Trump nominee. If this made up metoo nonsense doesn't work, I guess they can always get Hillary to have him killed.
  4. We have private tastings at Switchback Ridge and Barnett lined up for Saturday.
  5. Oh great, now they'll sign Karlos Williams and he'll run for 150 yards against the Bills.
  6. Based on my experience, I also question that conclusion. I think college educated women are just more discrete. In my single days I had 3 different married women start the flirtation with me that ended up in bed. As for men, it's not rocket science. What makes a man stray is usually opportunity. IMO, most married men don't go seeking it out, but many don't have the willpower to say no if they get an offer. Married women on the other hand get offers all the time....that's not what makes them stray.
  7. I'm pretty sure they are not that good. But they did drop a ton of ball Sunday so that likely won't happen again. If the Bills play like they did in MN, they've got a shot to win, if they don't, they'll lose.
  8. They can certain wait for this weekend's event! Go Team USA!
  9. Last time I stopped there the donuts weren't very good anyway. Glad they can now fully focus on their model of offering bad coffee and coffee flavored sugar drinks.
  10. Glad he's getting his due, but I doubt an 81 year old celeb will have it too rough in prison. OJ seemed to do fine.
  11. I thought he was the best player last year too. Gronk didn't try to break his neck for no reason.
  12. Pretty sure the Rooneys had preferential treatment from the refs written into the league charter. Remember when Seattle got called for roughing by the QB in the Super Bowl?
  13. Bummer....football is a lot more fun when the Steelers lose.
  14. Annnnd.....it's the NFL so of course they insist on continuing to ruin amazing football with bull ****, ticky tack flags.
  15. Yup....just so long as he's not playing for the Bills!
  16. Seriously? If Miami has clinched the division when they play again in December I'll still root for them over the !@#$ing Patriots.
  17. Oh crap, come on Fitz, I need Evans to get 100+ or a TD to win this week!
  18. Yup....although far worse right on Market Street than anywhere else in the FiDi/SoMa/Union Square area. Hit the ferry building market as someone suggested and walk (or cable car) up California to Grace Cathedral, then walk back to Chinatown, through Dragon's Gate to Union Square. And whatever you do, don't find yourself in the Tenderloin. It is cool for sure and sucks they put the stupid system in place, so if there is a reservation to be had on the website he should go for it, but otherwise you can do your own hiking.
  19. Sausalito is a madhouse on weekends now, but it does have a lot of places to eat and the advantage of frequent ferries. Lots of people rent bikes in the city and ferry over to Sausalito. Only problem is the ferry line going back to the city after dinner. Tiburon is more charming; there's also a cool little museum that shows you how the town was once a big railyard (they ferried railroads over from SF). Now it's among the priciest real estate in the country. Still is and still hugely popular with the tourists. I believe they sell out weeks in advance now; at least during the summer. Also in Marin, if you want to go to Muir Woods, you need to make a reservation -- no joke -- and also sells out weeks in advance. Used to be first come, first served on parking but someone over-thought the problem so now they turn locals away from empty parking lots at 5 pm on a Wednesday because they 'don't have a reservation'. Of course, you have a whole mountain full of redwoods with all kinds of trails of varying degrees of difficulty, so really nothing that special about that one little section. Come to Mill Valley for breakfast and hike the Dipsea trail out to Stinson Beach!
  20. Cross the bridge for the nature part. https://www.nps.gov/goga/planyourvisit/upload/map_MAHE_150429web.pdf
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