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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I don’t want Boston to win it all, but I do want to see them battle the Astros.
  2. Than you should have titled your thread "unsatisfying offensive game plan" rather than "unsatisfying win". You put the focus on the wrong thing before anyone read the first word of your post.
  3. Yeah, that would be a problem. I could see it if I lived like the Hulk, always on the move, but not so much having my kids/grandkids grow old and die while I'm still 40. It would be pretty easy to get rich without any time constraints though. Just gotta make sure you don't end up getting a life sentence for something! Ouch!
  4. So now driving for the winning score in the final few minutes of a game = "should have lost the game"? Priceless
  5. I think personality has a lot to do with coaching a football team. I think it has nothing to do with satisfying the inane demands of idiot fans.
  6. The "fire everyone/clean house' crowd must be furious.
  7. Because liberals are right and fair and true and just and so they should just be in charge forever!!!! ?
  8. Come on, he's only in his mid-60s. In all seriousness, while I always thought Anderson was a decent QB, I'm stunned that he's only 35. It seems like he's been around forever.
  9. Well.....in think there's only one more thing left to say. "It had to be done." Job well done Harry!
  10. I'm rooting for a lot of police brutality.
  11. Not even close! Obviously the best possible outcome for them was to keep delaying until election day, protect the red state Dems, and block Trump's nominee(s) for the next 2 (or 6 if necessary) years. At this point, I sure hope they have armed body guards with all the members of the Senate.....well, except for those members who are funding the death threats. I live in CA so I might just vote Dem on the hope Trump win the EC and loses the popular vote again. The exploding heads would be epic.
  12. Funny, but for the love of God, the absolute last thing the GOP needs at this moment is for that idiot to pop out of her hole. Just STFU Sarah.
  13. Ask the posters who constantly advocate for "kicking the tires"!
  14. Goodness....that woman would need to have the 25-year old version of Tiffany Amber Theissan's body.
  15. Who are the Warriors playing in the finals?
  16. Too bad you didn’t stick around another couple days, the Blue Angels started practicing today over the city.
  17. Why didn't the Sabres trade down and fix the OL?? Dahlin's a bust!!
  18. Have much cap space do we have for 2019?
  19. Yuck. IMO NFL has already downgraded its product significantly by throwing flags when the ref isn't sure or it's a close play. The default should always be to not throw a flag. Go back and look at the overhead photo of where the 11 Bills were at the moment of the pass. The kick coverage would have embarrassed a high school coach.
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