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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I've rarely watched any of it since, so I've forgotten they were at the Giants 46 with 48 seconds left and only got two more offensive plays off (and only gained 16 yards). Lots of physical errors contributed to the loss, but that stands out as catastrophic mismanagement.
  2. I guess they haven't started studying for mid-terms yet at NYU. That's the best sticker I've seen on a car since "Sore Loserman 2000"
  3. We buried the goldfish in the snow a few years ago when the kids were really little.
  4. It's not funny at all!!! We should be furious and kick and stomp about it every chance we get!! After all, the most successful people in life are the ones who are always looking in the past.
  5. Kinda scary how the US media not only ignored this fact but ran the propaganda line for Erdogan.
  6. Yup, difference is not as stark as people imagine (although I think the NHS tax is in addition to the 45% in the UK). There was a list a couple years ago about total effective tax rates for NFL players. Phillip Rivers topped the list at about 50%. Too bad he's not paying his "fair share".
  7. Might have been if Timo Perez hadn't been jogging from first base on Zeile's hit. But hey, why would a rookie go all out in the World Series?
  8. Compared to the London advertising market?? Edit: Jacksonville is #47 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_stations_in_North_America_by_media_market Games in London allow the NFL to add another game slot. So now you can have 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 8pm games on the east coast. Do you seriously think the NFL would make this decision on a whim and hasn't spent millions analyzing the data?
  9. Et tu, Texas? What would anyone need 'support' for? The visual of that chick naked?
  10. I'm sure he's fully rehabilitated. Good thing they didn't do something 'inhumane' like execute him.
  11. Cool....more 6am games. I usually wake up during the 2Q.
  12. There’s no appreciation for home remedies any more.
  13. And the importance of getting out early. Oh wait, is this the Lindsay Vonn thread?
  14. Yup. They had a chance to put that game away early and let it slip away.
  15. They probably win the Cup in '06 if not for the highly improbable run of injuries to the defense.
  16. There's a difference between 'wanting' to make the playoffs (vs the ridiculous 'higher draft pick' theory), and making choices/trade-offs that will pay dividends in the future at the cost of 2018 (like trading McCoy, which has reasonable arguments on both sides).
  17. That's a great ad. Must be from Europe.
  18. If they called and offered a first, I’d have Shady’s bags packed and waiting on the curb.
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