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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. My understanding from Pats fans is the team takes this stuff very seriously and will yank season tickets from fans in a heartbeat. Of course, when you have a waiting list that is years long it makes it easier, but still, Gillette has a much different reputation than Buffalo.
  2. Of course, if it's anyone other than a Democrat, soliciting sexual favors from your interns is a gross abuse of your authority.
  3. Gee, never thought of it that way before!
  4. I'm confused, I have it on good authority from serious Bills fans that Zay is the biggest bust in recent Bills history.
  5. Ah right, 21st Century didn't start until 2001. I look forward to the GBID thread in 3 months!
  6. Bears would be an interesting team if they could close out a game. And the Bills have a LOT of competition for a top pick in the draft. Oakland and the Giants are monumentally bad and SF, Arizona and Indy are only marginally better. They lost 27-3. How is it physically possible they only had their QB throw one pass more than 10 yards downfield?
  7. Nothing like a tough loss to wash the board clean of any semblance of sanity or reason that was threatening to creep in after the Titans game!!
  8. Can't believe this thread wasn't about the Playmate of the Month being born in the 2000s.
  9. So if that happens will the following two weeks also be crucial, or not so much?
  10. Nope, not even close. I was positive the Giants were going to draft a QB at #2 last year. Their saving grace is that they'll almost certainly get another bite at the apple next draft. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/giants-players-frustration-with-eli-mannings-deteriorating-play-is-boiling-over/
  11. So two more years under contract? That's the real issue that needs to be analyzed. In today's NFL, not at all unreasonable to think they could fix the OL/WR situation and have a solid offense in two years to go with a top-tier D (and just as Belichick/Brady are exiting). I agree with the idea that a package of picks fronted by a 2d for a guy like Peterson makes a ton of sense. But there are probably no shortage of teams willing to do that so people shouldn't get their hopes up.
  12. Easy decision....they're all piling off the Red Sox bandwagon after losing Game 1 last night.
  13. If you watch him run, he knows exactly when to tuck the ball away when defenders get close.
  14. And it sounds like his starter was on cruise control and then he yanks him after 5 2/3? I can't stand the idiocy that rules managing decisions in the modern era. If I don't get to watch Front Row Amy in the WS, I hold Counsell responsible!
  15. I just hope the series goes long enough for another couple games in Milwaukee.
  16. Boy, that show had a lot of micro aggression against women. And the guy on the right looks kinda like lefty lock-stepper Jimmy Kimmel.
  17. Hmmm.....yet somehow tens of thousands of Americans choose to live in Europe and pay those taxes.
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