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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'm pretty sure 'lewd' is far down on the list of adjectives I'd use to describe her photographs.
  2. Pushing hard for a Super Bowl right now. Brees turns 40 during this season's playoffs. Saints' window is closing fast.
  3. Same here, partially for the exploding heads, but mostly for what Rob articulates: Two years ago I was open to the possibility of voting for a Democrat, but after watching this vile display for two years (the Kavanaugh smear being the capper), there is pretty much zero chance of that happening for the next few decades.
  4. I would have done that 1000 times out of 1000!
  5. What happened to Sean McDonough? He was great! Smart, funny, honest...my favorite play by play guy in a while.
  6. Of course, the only person who would conceivably appoint her would be the bizarro-world owner the Bills: Donald Trump. But I'd love it.
  7. I can't say if it'll work, but these are the first guys in Buffalo attempting anything besides outright poo-flinging or shiny object chasing since the turn of the century. As such, my patience with them will be longer than 7 games after the franchise's only playoff berth in that timeframe.
  8. Works for me. Oh wait, she wasn't born in the US, not eligible.
  9. Maybe, but who would President Pegula be picking for the Supreme Court?
  10. Someone figured they'd be nice to Bills season ticket holders. I assume you can get a nice premium from all those rich Pats fans caravaning down I-90.
  11. And if they happen to find a coach who ends a 17 year playoff drought his first year, he needs to be fired too because......'we backed in' or 'got lucky' or 'Peterman' or 'traded away all our talent' or 'Mahomes' or 'blahblahblah......'
  12. Hopefully he was smart enough to jump on the line today before it balloons to 18 by kickoff.
  13. "I thought we tackled him before he got in" I do love his press conference answers to the endless stupid questions.
  14. Gee, a 'Bills suck' thread. That's a new and refreshing take around here! Next, I hope someone has the guts to question the coaching and front office.
  15. Gee, I can't understand why the NFL would 'blackball' such a player.
  16. Indy showed exactly how to trade down this year. They got extra picks and were able to move down a few spots and still get a premier player at a position of need. So you can't really judge on trading down until you see the draft board v the other teams' draft position and needs.
  17. Soooo.....you want them to be worse than losing 37-5 to a 1-5 team?
  18. Same here, I liked Cosby much more as a fringe/alternative entertainer than a big star the MSM fawned over. I didn't get the appeal of a modern day ('80s) Brady Bunch so never watched that show. Also my ex-wife met the wife from that show and said she was an arrogant c---. Probably cause he's 81 and the crimes happened decades ago. And did they uncover corroborating evidence of any specific assaults or was he really convicted based on the # of accusers? I don't honestly know and while he clearly did bad things, I wonder if a lack of specific evidence influenced his sentence.
  19. Too bad the badly overrated Dungy couldn't win with his own team. 9-7 under Dungy, 12-4 and a SB title under Gruden.
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