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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Since when can you fair catch a kickoff in the field of play and take the ball at the 25? I don't think I've ever seen that before.
  2. Of course not. At least not before November since they never play anyone before then. Who's on the schedule this week, North Mississippi A&M?
  3. You let a thief escape and he ran you over? Uh......nice work.
  4. This was wasn't really about drugs, but I put it here anyway:
  5. There’s a ‘having a prayer’ joke in there somewhere.
  6. It probably hit a little too close to home when you were a teenager!
  7. I recall one where an opponent ran (I think) Ennis into the boards right in front of Meyers. He did nothing. I hated him after that.
  8. It's pretty much common sense. Everyone reacts differently to what they see. You show up in someone else's stadium and make a lot of noise, you should expect out of the hundreds of people within earshot, some percentage of them are going to be pissed off about it and some percentage of those are going to be willing to get in your face (or punch it). There's a reason you don't walk down a dark alley at night in a bad part of town too.
  9. I bet some of them will get through. After all, even the losers get lucky. Sometimes.
  10. My ex-wife did charity work way back with someone from the Pats who got her (me) a football w/ Jim, Bruce, TT, Andre and a couple other sigs after a game. It's still in the case downstairs in the basement.
  11. Obviously the later; football fans don't mind hopeless drunks, as anyone who's been to a Bills tailgate can attest. But Kelly's career is over.
  12. Hopkins and Fuller were running wild through that secondary.
  13. I love this whine....especially from those who completely excuse the people who, in the end actually did REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION.
  14. Yes, it's much more acceptable to be like the Democrats and have an organized thug group to carry out your assaults and death threats under a different name. https://nypost.com/2018/01/04/keith-ellison-invites-antifa-to-the-party/
  15. Yup. I'd love to see the approval ratings for RG compared to the owners as a group, just for a laugh.
  16. Gee, he didn’t relocate his family for a 2 1/2 month gig? Shocking revelation!
  17. He should, but I’ve given up on Buffalo teams ever standing up for themselves.
  18. I can almost hear the reactionaries screaming "Fire Marchibroda!!"
  19. The only certain things in life are death, taxes and TSW hating whoever holds the job of Bills OC.
  20. Violence from the left is perfectly acceptable. How much Facebook (and OTW) outrage did you see when Sen Collins was getting death threats and suspicious packages? Trump is condemning today's acts while the left is in full campaign attack mode (as usual). I wonder which one tends to incite people to violence?
  21. Woah...they don't? I'm thunderstruck. Thank you to the OP for shining a light on this revelation.
  22. Good news is when you lose you can offset the gambling loss against your lotto win for tax purposes!
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