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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Messed up they didn't walk out of the restaurant without paying two hours earlier. The barber discussion above reminded me of the girl who used to cut my hair in CT. She did an ok, not great job and the price was reasonable. But the wait even with an appointment was always long. One day I went for my appointment (really needing the cut and having a tight schedule) and the guy with the appointment in front of me was still waiting. That was the last straw; I left and never went back.
  2. I must have missed all your critiques here of the "Progressive" Americans who gleefully cheered on Chavez actually going straight to dictatorship.
  3. He got bailed out last night by the dope on the other sideline who kept switching his QB.
  4. Yes. Unless of course you're Alabama, in which case you should be given an automatic bid even if you finish 3d in your conference because you're still the 'best' team.
  5. I love him, can't wait to see him on the field again. Full confidence: 260 yards, 3 TD, one pick tomorrow.
  6. Pegs' plane can get him to Buffalo by tonight. Sign the contract on the plane!!!
  7. I’m going right past Scott & friends as I type. I don’t see him in the yard.
  8. Went to a bar in Newport RI after work one day when I was 19, bartender cards me and gives me a beer. Ten minuets later the manager cards me again, doesn’t like my ID (CT had a dumb system where they marked your license as a minor — but then you have a birthday and aren’t a minor anymore), took the beer and gave me my money back. So I got half a beer for free, but was still pissed. But not that pissed, I went back there in later years.
  9. They're still real to me damn it!!
  10. They have the Giants not taking a QB again? If they don't get Bosa or Oliver, I'd rather take OT than WR in the 1st.
  11. ....TBD the day after an ugly Bills loss.
  12. *phew* For a second there I thought this thread wasn't going to be another "McBeane sucks!" diatribe.
  13. Huh... so I guess they must have happened to pass a FedEx center while 'on foot' so they could mail the lawsuit. That was fortunate.
  14. Sorry....Bills are rubbing off on my Mets. Baseball is the only sport where I am genuinely optimistic at the start of each season.
  15. So quite literally a fan who's upset the team isn't being built on the "I've heard of him!!" model.
  16. Cool; he'll be ready to start thinking about getting in shape by late May. Probably have his timing back by August.
  17. Maybe Hitler would have left them alone if they had worn more red chapeaus.
  18. Only thing worse than a Christmas thread on Nov 1 is a thread referencing Will Ferrell.
  19. I bet her non-surviving ancestors would smack her stupid ***** mouth for such an ignorant and pathetic display.
  20. Sad news, always enjoyed Dr. Z. And he was a big believer in the Bills!
  21. Lots of reasons. First and foremost, they are not held to the same standard of earning it on the field as everyone else, but instead are fully guaranteed a spot in the playoffs with a loss, no matter to who or when. If Clemson (or LSU or Michigan or ND or Oklahoma, etc) loses in November or in their conference championship game, they're out. No questions asked. Yet if Alabama loses -- no matter how late in the season -- they are propped up in the polls with the "oh, they're still the best team" justification and given another chance that no one else (except maybe OSU) would be afforded. The most inexcusable example of this is of course, 2011, where they played nobody except LSU, lost, and were still put in the championship game. And this was back when it was only a two team playoff, which was even more absurd but highlighted that Alabama would never, ever be punished for losing a game. Then in 2017, they lose their big game against Auburn, don't even reach their conference championship game, yet are somehow in the top 4 for a 'national' championship. So basically we don't have a national championship, we have a big money, Southern teams plus OSU and a handful of others if we need them championship. The equivalent would be the NFL saying "sorry Washington, nice job winning your division and we know Green Bay finished 3d in their division but we're taking them for the playoffs instead because they are 'better' than you." Second, Alabama plays a joke schedule -- maybe 3 decent teams a year but about 5 complete patsies (including the full division 2 circuit all September and usually a bye week opponent late in the year), so they are not worn down by week 10 like most teams. Third, SEC is always overrated. It's strong on top but not once you get past the top few teams. Nothing more absurd that seeing a gang of mediocre SEC teams ranked in the top 25 to start the season, just so they can justify keeping them all there as they beat each other. They are already angling for 2 SEC teams in this year's playoffs as evidenced by LSU being #3. If LSU beats Alabama, Alabama goes no lower than #4. I'd bet my house on it. So I hate on them because they are the Patriots of college football. Yes, they are great, so why the need to give them every additional advantage? Why not hold them to the same standards as everyone else? I know, the answer is money. Too bad, college football was a lot better in the old days with the bowl alliances and national polls.
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