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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Good grief, if she's going to be that obvious, why doesn't she just set up her own 'Go Fund Me' site? It'll be fun to see just how arrogant and entitled this low rent bartender gets and how quickly.
  2. Clearly more "toxic masculinity" that needs to be weeded out.
  3. Oh yeah, if there’s one thing websites don’t have enough of, it’s annoying, useless ***** that I didn’t ask for popping up all over the place.
  4. Agreed on the first part about overachieving and getting a lucky break to make the playoffs, but it was always going to be a two year rebuild considering the cap space. So like it or not, they got rid of everyone they didn't see in a Bills uni in 2019, regardless of how it impacted '17 (turns out very little) or '18 (turns out quite a bit). And by the way, people drastically underestimate how much the unexpected losses of Wood and Incognito killed this season. If those guys are playing, McCoy is still running, Allen is protected better, and they don't have the worst offense in history. Yes, they'd still suck but it wouldn't be this level of dumpster fire. You'd have to go back a few decades but I'm sure a fan in Chicago can think of at least one example!
  5. Yeah, the whole modern fad of pointing out every negative thing about white men while ignoring/excusing every negative thing about anyone else is really working well. Keep doubling down on that. I guess hearing his new Governor-elect use his victory speech to decry to scourge of "toxic masculinity" wasn't enough to change his mind.
  6. Give u0 the #65 pick and pay $20m to have a medicore QB for one rebuilding season? Uh....no thanks.
  7. In the game of the year, Bills prevail 51-48.
  8. Probably not many, but that isn't relevant to the point that 1) no franchise will be successful if they can't find some continuity and 2) people who are screaming for McD's head (some since halftime of the Baltimore game) are idiots.
  9. I remember that happening during the MNF blowout at the Meadowland in the late 80s.
  10. IIRC it was raining hard that day. I was coming back from Newark or somewhere and drove right past the Meadowlands during OT while listening to the game on radio.
  11. You mean there's coffee other than Sanka?
  12. If you and your girl still have people like that in your lives and don't how to get rid of them, it tells me you're too young to get married. What's the rush? p.s. shiv the B word
  13. After reading that, I'm almost tempted to conclude that cleaning house every 2-3 years might not be the best idea.
  14. Oh my!! When does the lad get his ‘Luckiest Boy in Ireland’ medal?
  15. It's almost as if the more likeable candidate has an advantage in elections! More Gov races: Rep somehow winning in CA wanna be CT. Kemp holding above 50% runoff threshold with 94% in.
  16. People are ***** idiots, totally clueless about how much he's done for that state.
  17. Kim Reynolds looks like she'll hold on in Iowa. Walker pulls ahead in Wisconsin. Key states to have in 2020!
  18. The best was two years ago when they had competing props over plastic bags. I don't really give a ***** if I have to pay 10 cents now for a bag, but can't you just have one prop that says "Plastic bags, Yes or No?" Last time there were good ones like legal pot and no condoms for porn stars. This year's was nothing but money grabs.
  19. I think I voted 'no' on everything. The propositions in this state are madness. Prop 12....every chicken must have paid sick leave!!
  20. I heard CBS radio basically calling it at 7pm. ......among Democrats in the House........for anything she wants.........under threat of death.......
  21. Looks like +4 for Dems so far and could get worse, but GOP holds some big ones. IA too close to call, but turning back to Rep late; only farmers in the sticks left to count. Walker still behind in WI; would be great to hold on to that one but he's running out of time.
  22. Bimbo on CNN talking about how 'historic' it will be to have Pelosi because SoH.....again.
  23. Admitted I haven't paid that much attention, but seems better than expected in Senate, worse in the House. What's with all the upstate NY districts flipping, are those just illegal alien enclaves now?
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