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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Unless you really need a QB or there is Bruce Smith or OJ Simpson or someone like that waiting at #1, the difference of a few slots in draft order is wildly overrated.
  2. There were several stories of people who survived the Napa/Sonoma fires last year that way. Some of those fires exploded within minutes in the middle of the night. People had literally minutes to react. Not quite the same as blowing off hurricane warnings for a week.
  3. It sounds like they already have a plant there, and have it only because their MLB contract stipulates on-field worn hats must be manufactured in the USA. Lurker nailed it above; NewEra is no longer a manufacturing company.
  4. She does indeed. Having cities/states compete for business with taxpayer dollars is a net negative for the nation. It's the same thing as the NFL trying to hold cities hostage for a new stadium under threat of moving them to LA.
  5. I'm hoping it's the Ravens just to see Bell come on the field the first time in Pittsburgh.
  6. Yes, but I can't wait for them to all get shown the door after Beane/McD are fired and replaced with two new guys who want to rebuild the team their own way. Then we'll finally be on the road to success!!
  7. That sucks. I was on the plant floor when they announced the Smith Corona factory in Cortland was closing (long time ago). It's a really ***** event to witness.
  8. Oh yeah, kids have had inside recess, lunch, etc since Thursday. They're all going stir crazy. It doesn't smell smoky anymore but you can tell the air is dirty.
  9. I was surprised too, but they are clearly going to get another bite at the apple. Dak Prescott is the Emperor with the new clothes......no one wants to say out loud what has because clear. As was said above, he's firmly in the 3d tier (Tannehill, Bortles, Tyrod) and shows no signs of going above that.
  10. Get a cat. Much more effective and efficient than any trap.
  11. Are you really this angry at the guy or is this just projecting because Duke looks unbeatable this year?
  12. I didn't bother with the ignore function for many years on this board but I'm now seeing the value.
  13. Glad to see that even a blowout win can't stop the parade of inane "If McDermott doesn't do X he should be fired...." posts.
  14. I'd be more than happy to take requests from her. Those lips...my goodness!
  15. So just to summarize, if he starts Allen he should be fired, if he starts Mark Barkley off the street he should be fired, and of course, if he starts Nate Peterman he should be fired.
  16. Don't need a special election when they already had a real one with a clear winner. The part of me that's energized and alive says to drag the offending parties through the streets....to be pissed on. This sh-- wouldn't happen if there were any consequences for doing it.
  17. Of course it's a good thing. WTF do you think happens to organizations where crappy employees can't be fired? Let me guess....you can't figure out why governments are wasteful and unproductive.
  18. Don't look now, the NFL shop is already discounting Nate mech.... https://www.nflshop.com/buffalo-bills/men-jerseys-nike-elite/t-36714623+ga-89+d-0193446713-41534+z-9-3524966470
  19. Probably wishes he left last year on a high note! In all seriousness, one thing I would like to know about McD is what kind of relationship he has with his vet leaders, how much time he spends with them, etc.
  20. Is there baggage beyond the completely fabricated rape story?
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