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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It's not a narrative you nitwit, it's called contract law. What do you want to "agree to disagree" on? That you don't understand the franchise tag is part of his contract? Or that you don't understand contract terms sometimes provide options for one or both parties? Or that you just have a need to ignore reality so you can continue to stomp your feet like a child on behalf of some douchey football player? This is the most laughable attempt at a crusade on this board in a while.
  2. Do YOU understand what you are saying?? Bell has not in fact, completed his contractual obligation to the Steelers. His contract included the right of the other party to retain his services for this year. That's part of his contractual obligation.
  3. Is the handbag designer named 'Kennedy'? If so, I imagine this isn't a problem.
  4. It wasn't that bad until late Thursday afternoon when it suddenly got much worse. Friday was awful; basically no difference being indoors. But even that was nothing compared to what Sacramento looked like driving up here. Like driving into the abyss on the highway, couldn't see anything but the cars in front. We're half joking about telling people we're relocating Thanksgiving to Soda Springs.
  5. Yup (at least that's what I've read). I don't understand the desire to let Oliver off the hook so quickly if he was not respecting the jacket thing, or say he's a star so he doesn't have to follow the rule, as some have implied. Yes it sounds like the coach overreacted, but anyone with kids knows that sometimes you overreact when you're frustrated with the antics of immature kids. And if Oliver is milking his injury it makes it that much easier to understand the coach's reaction.
  6. It's livable up here in Tahoe! Getting away from the smoke for a few days. Cold up here and the house we're borrowing hadn't been opened for the winter, so first thing I did after turning on the water was......lit a fire.
  7. Will we be able to catch any of this wedding on Jerry Springer? I'm ready to lay some meadcoin on the date of the first marriage problems thread from TRBJ; has the over/under been established?
  8. Except he's not a 'grown man', he's 20 years old and was clearly acting like a prima donna. And it doesn't matter if Applewhite was 'right' or not, he's the coach. Tell me how often teams win once they are openly disrespecting their coach.
  9. Yeah, I can't really understand the mentality of handing money over to someone you never heard of before for some undefined purpose. It's not like there is a shortage of worthy charities if you feel the need to donate.
  10. Regardless of who wins what, there's a major problem with no longer having an 'election day', which is the date ALL the votes are counted.
  11. Oh look.....Nancy was forced to do some horse trading to get the votes of the young turks. 10 years from now?? Doesn't she know the polar ice caps all melted when she was 12? Someone introduce this girl to ALGORE, stat!
  12. I always thought the scene in Bull Durham where Costner gets released did a fantastic job capturing the raw emotions of that moment.
  13. I heard about that one a couple months ago, but the homeless guy being in on the scam is a new wrinkle. Sounds like the idiots already blew the dough. btw, anyone who has 67,000 texts to review should be shot immediately.
  14. Good call. I'm skinny so I always liked wearing #11.
  15. Great idea. I'm going to do that with my kids at the nearby creek....if it ever rains again.
  16. Saints at home is pretty secure. Eagles Super Bowl hangover isn't going away. Steelers would seem a safe bet vs a floundering Jax team, but road games are tricky. My third choice would be Cardinals at home against Oakland.
  17. Sad, and yes it's a shame he couldn't figure out how to grow up in time to save himself, but he didn't "slip through the cracks", he leapt off the roof of his own free will.
  18. My daughter will be thrilled to hear the news. She's going to be Dian Fossey in the 4th grade wax museum at school.
  19. Holy crap. I was wondering after reading a couple articles but never imagined anything that bad.
  20. The fact I had no idea what either of those acronyms meant tells me these guys should settle their dispute quickly.
  21. I can't believe Dragon's Egg let that guy slip past him in the last few feet for the win!
  22. HAHAHAHA......I love Steve Somers. Schmoooooozing under the covers until dawn!
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