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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. That was right in front of us. Nice comeback (almost) that day by EJ.....after he single handedly spotted the other team more points than any QB since Paul Crew vs the guards.
  2. I don't know why people always get sticker shock on QB contracts when the bar is raised to a new high any time one of the top 10 guys (or beyond the top 10 in JG's case) signs a new deal. A couple years ago people were freaking out that Brees was tanking the Saints by asking for $25M; now that looks like a bargain. By the time we get to a new Mahomes deal in a couple years he might be pushing $40M/yr.
  3. Rained all day in the Bay Area and across the state. Should put an end to fire season by end of the weekend. At least up here.
  4. It's been almost a year since this landmark step. When do we get an update on how life has drastically improved for Native Americans? Or will that require a few more Columbus statues being torn down?
  5. Oh no. So I guess we're in agreement that neither Ivanka nor Hillary should ever be allowed to run for POTUS, right?
  6. Bingo. No one ever said Cousins was Brees or Rodgers or Brady. The assumption was that Keenum would regress from an outlier season (which has happened: Denver is 4-6 and Keenum's numbers stink), and the Vikings only needed a solid tier 2 guy to get to the SB. People love to look for excuses to bash the guy but he's been solid as expected. The reason the Vikings aren't repeating last year's success is because the defense has fallen off. They are giving up a full touchdown more per game this year vs last.
  7. Yes, they took a double hit this year but they were rebuilding anyway and in 2019 Dareus is off the books (or so I've read).
  8. People here are still crying about a $100m player who is on the sidelines for 40% of his team's snaps? Hilarious.
  9. But you gotta love the over reaction to one game. As if it was a sudden revelation to 30 GMs last night that having a top QB, top RB and a bunch of really good WRs translates into being able to score a lot.
  11. Or turn the ball over 5 times, two of which are returned for TDs....in a loss!
  12. Yup; that's the only way to fight this SJW nonsense. I'd award her as much as possible.
  13. This thread is as much a November tradition here as stuffing and cranberries. All the OP was missing was the "Hear me out" opening.
  14. Right...there are still a handful of KKK nuts running around. Which completely justifies the left's attempting to characterize half the country as racist.
  15. But he has a point.....has the left not gone off the deep end with all the hypocritical 'racist' bullsh-- ?
  16. Why would we need Election Day to be a holiday? Isn't she part of the crowd who thinks we should have two weeks of voting?
  17. I'd say it's closer to 'honkey common sense'.
  18. Are football fans in general a cross section of America?
  19. Yet I feel confident that he will try. Repeatedly. You mean the one (actually it was 3) where you demonstrated that you are too stupid to understand the concept of a contract? 'lol' is right.
  20. -Sure, I'd be fine with automatic registration. But the rolls should come from the IRS. If you filed a tax return, you are automatically registered to vote. If you didn't, you aren't. Simple as that. -No rights should be inalienable. If you demonstrate that you can't act like a human being, you shouldn't be treated like one. -Sure, assuming there is still such a thing as an independent body. I'm not sure that's the case. -There should be no such 'goal' either way. All who contribute to the greater good should be eligible to participate. But those who can't be bothered to educate themselves or drag their lazy ass off the couch to vote should not be encouraged to do so. The only reason anyone would encourage an ignorant voter to go to the polls is if they thought the person was going to vote the way they wanted and manipulating the ignorant is already destroying our system.
  21. No, what you're saying is he has "completed his contractual obligation" or he has "finished his contract" which is 100%, flat-out wrong. And the sob story Bell was somehow forced into sitting out this year is likewise BS. If you think the franchise tag is unfair, fine. Say that and articulate why you think all players should reach UFA after four years, and spare the rest of the nonsense.
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