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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Has the "take out my QB who's playing a great game to put in a cold backup when we get to 1st and goal at the five yard line" strategy ever worked??
  2. Ah yes, yet another round of "Republicans closed polling places and rigged the machines in districts that are completely controlled by Democrats" theory. That's a oldie and a goodie from 2000 and 2004. What, no charges of Republicans "intimidated voters" in neighborhoods that are 90% black this time?
  3. Because in the simpleton SJW mind, "inmates" = "blacks". And then they call other people racist. lol
  4. Am I still watching West Virginia trying to stop OU? Way to mostly squander the biggest gift I've seen in a game in a long time Michigan.
  5. In fact, he went completely the other way and is a big part of why the victim mentality has made a huge leap forward in the last ten years, demonstrating Obama only cared about political power and never gave a rat's ass about black people (or any people).
  6. I knew watching that game ND wasn't going anywhere with Wimbush playing QB.
  7. So much for that great Michigan defense.
  8. There was a fantastic quote in the Sopranos by one of Tony's women, something along the lines of "You Americans expect that nothing will ever go wrong, while the rest of the world expects that usually everything will go wrong". The modern liberal mindset is entirely the result of a country (or at least the huge section of it that thinks that way) that has gone far too long without any real hardship.
  9. http://y.yarn.co/10fc986c-1554-484c-bccd-78049a2abf3b.mp4
  10. Kinda surprised they didn't at least review that hit by the OU kid.
  11. Of course that teacher was a vile, white racist. Just read her letter for all the proof you need. She called them '***** children'. edit: * uh, seriously? I wonder how long till some SJW mod bans the word 'black'.
  12. So I should start moving the family into the fallout shelter any time, huh?
  13. Loud music at stadiums is the worst part of attending any sporting event. Just stupid, pointless and annoying and it only appeals to idiots.
  14. "Destiny USA"?? Is that some kind of stripper emporium?
  15. That's more than enough for the SJW crowd.
  16. The low point of the Bills 10+ year run of draft day failures.
  17. Sounds like another victim of predatory capitalism. If only he had a free college degree he might have been saved from a live of despair and hopelessness. But at the very least he could have had Thanksgiving off.
  18. Stadiums may not do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if TV networks did it for the audio feed.
  19. This idiot sounds like a guy who is just dying to be Deion Sanders or Josh Norman, but so far it's not really working and no one really cares.
  20. Local news just showed a woman who'd been camped out at Best Buy since Wednesday so she could save a few bucks. They showed her again later in the broadcast checking out with a big smile after saving $1200 on the SIX big screen TVs she was buying. Let me guess, she can't afford health insurance.
  21. HA! He was my backup too! Sure glad I didn’t waste a pick a couple rounds earlier on that Mahomes guy.
  22. I could see it....if you're in a 16 team league with a 10 man bench.
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