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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. And you can get any girl to look that bad in a drunk mug shot. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
  2. Right or wrong, people still see things like domestic violence as a private matter; "it's none of my business" But people take it personally when someone (especially privileged, pampered athletes) are shitting on the country, flag, etc.
  3. At least 3....in the first two pages! Who was the guy who loved Kobe Bryant (no, not John) and was very upset that people weren't excited about Kobe's 81 point game (which was a good thread itself), and later had a big meltdown on the main board after some Bills debacle.
  4. He put together some terrific teams at UNC, but how old is he now?
  5. I was once late gaining admission to a game and missed 3 TDs in the first 5 minutes.
  6. Working their ass off? What public employees are these you speak of?
  7. And the commish decreed.....There shalt be no holding on linemen protecting Rodgers or Brady!
  8. Kinda....but nothing really 'palpable' other than a need to project Trump Derangement Syndrome to someone else.
  9. Just curious...when all the lefty late night comedians that you laugh along with have an endless run of jokes about Trump....Bush....McConnell....whoever.....is that all due to palpable fear too? Or can you really not understand why people might laugh at a millennial bartender being elected to Congress? Really?
  10. Yes, sometime otherwise normal people have an odd Notre Dame issue.....call it NDS. Anyone who thinks ND is not a good team obviously knows very little about football. Unlikely they will win the championship, but there isn't a sane argument that they aren't in the top 3 in the country. Yeah, poorly done to have them come out so flat tonight, but I imagine some of that was kids afraid to blow their big moment. But they steadied the ship and gradually took control of the game. All's well that ends well.
  11. Wow. Bad time for an historically bad performance.
  12. Vince Lombardi could rise from the dead to coach the Bills and the TBD experts would crucify him for attempting to remake the roster.
  13. Harbaugh is like a jolt of adrenaline; he'll whip a team into shape and elevate them with his intensity for a brief period. But once that wears off he plateaus.
  14. Yup. Don't really understand why announcers always talk about him like he's a good QB. Not a good passer and no running ability.
  15. Aaaaand.....thanks for playing Michigan. Better luck next year.
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