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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Maybe Whoppi Goldberg can switch them like in Ghost.
  2. I would hope so. After seven games the only options are a) mixed bag, b) Mahomes or c) bust.
  3. It's a logjam alright. Nice Bay Area battle for #1. Too bad they don't play each other.
  4. Seriously. I didn't expect to see another loss from a Buffalo team until 2021 at the earliest.
  5. And apparently it helps if you blow out Middle Tennessee State and West Louisiana A&M and can claim Kentucky as one of your hard games.
  6. The idea that a team can lose their last game and make a 4 team playoff is absurd. The only reason for it is money; the only fan justification of it is either homerism or idiocy. I guess all the people here arguing for teams who didn't earn it on the field would be happy if the NFL let Roger Goodell just announce who the playoff teams would be based on which ones were 'the best' and not which ones earned it by winning games.
  7. Which is the whole problem. Having a handful of people arbitrarily decide who the 'best' teams are regardless of what they did on the field is beyond asinine. No other sport operates this way, for good reason. That people even attempted to make a argument for Georgia highlights how ridiculous this has become.
  8. Boy, that "I got mine" attitude really highlights your concern for the working class! "Gee, why doesn't everyone just get an early retirement and a pension?? Look how well it works in Greece!"
  9. "I regret so much that I was finally outed as a complete scumbag." Fug him. I hope they Ray Rice him, but I think that's unlikely.
  10. Typical left wing response. So any time the Chuck Schumer doesn't approve of a nominee all he needs to do is create a political show and the candidate should withdraw. Other than Trump himself winning, Kavanaugh winning has been the high point of the last 2+ years.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure Bush gave a direct order to someone to "go trick a black kid into selling drugs across the street" . I love when people are intentionally obtuse just to make a lame political comment.
  12. Oh yeah, of course. They lost to the only two good teams they played this year, what more do they need to prove?
  13. Take a knee?? WTF would the Bills have done that? I was pissed we didn't throw deep right at the spot of the missing safety.
  14. No, he’s hilarious but I don’t understand why this mediocre effort was posted by the OP.
  15. Exactly. 3 piece with mashed/gravy and a biscuit.....damn I'm hungry.
  16. Yes, but where are the full-screen pop up video ads every fifteen seconds??
  17. RIP to one of the great gentlemen of our time.
  18. Oh, I thought you meant FANG! I was getting hungry.
  19. Ya know, I don't really care if someone prioritizes winning football over not employing sub-human scum, but can we please dispense with the absurd 'second chance' narrative?
  20. Smart of the Chiefs to get out in front and release him before the first news cycle. Kareem forgot the golden rule: “don’t get caught on video”
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