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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It always amazes me how clueless game announcers can be. Raiders could have huddled if they wanted.
  2. Ties would be fine or playing a full extra ten minutes would be fine. Or it would be fine if people stopped crying and played defense.
  3. IT guy at work just got me a free iPhone 7. Works great. First new one I’ve had since the IT guy at my last company got me a free iPhone 6 about four years ago.
  4. Not the Saints team I'm watching today. Two performances like this in a row is reason for concern. Kamera has been completely shut down again.
  5. Another Dad and I ‘coached’ our second grade girls soccer team this fall. It was mostly about making sure everyone had fun, nursing boo-boos, and keeping the subs from running off to the playground. It was a blast.
  6. I do that all the time with a variety of songs. Drives my kids nuts. It's awesome.
  7. Well yes, no doubt. But that doesn't change the fact that team reached its limit and the Bills were correct to assess they a) were never going to be a serious contender without a major upgrade at QB and needed to do whatever was required to draft one, b) Whaley screwed the pooch giving Dareus that contract and they should prioritize dumping him as they eyed the salary cap management aspect of a rebuild, and c) Whaley screwed the pooch again by getting all starry eyed about Watkins, who's never going to be an offensive anchor in the NFL, and they correctly got good value for him when they did knowing they would not be the team to drastically overpay him when his rookie deal expired.
  8. Or the original, if you're old school: Worst is the Paul McCartney song (assuming we don't count The Chipmunks as actual music).
  9. I thought it was clear halfway through the 2016 season when it became obvious all the dream team 'talent' people here still talk about was never going to get past .500
  10. It sounds like they are moving toward this policy, which is fine. But a video changes everything because they can't ignore the court of public opinion. One problem with that policy (which not necessarily the NFL's fault), is that athletes get away with things they shouldn't, as was clearly the case with the police investigation in this event.
  11. 26 years and have still never heard anyone admit they left the game early. I'll admit leaving the TV after the pick 6....went upstairs to pack my bag to go to my girlfriend's house with no intention of watching any more. My Dad yelled upstairs after the Beebe TD so I came back down and obviously watched the rest!
  12. I have to believe the NFL ownership has evolved into acting as a group with these major PR situations. It’s not like Al Davis is gonna ride in and sign him against the group’s wishes. If the league decides to blackball him like Rice, he’s done.
  13. Haha.....happy hour beer on ferry. T-minus 40 minutes to pasta and wine.
  14. By the time I read that I could have just waited in the two hour customs line.
  15. Was just thinking which bottle I’d open tonight.
  16. Works for me. Wine will be a centerpiece of my retirement.
  17. She could have put two in the back of his head while he was face down and handcuffed and it would be ok with me.
  18. Gotta love the 'one night out' narrative trying to minimize the incident; as if Hunt was an altar boy his whole life until 'one night out'. Let me guess...things somehow got out of control!
  19. Indeed it is. Ten years ago people figured if you stayed off Facebook your privacy was still intact. No longer. DNA, cell phone tracking, web search tracking, credit card purchase patterns, health records, etc., etc. Big data links it all together and your detailed profile is there for anyone to buy.
  20. And the results have been pretty amazing so far, highlighted by the capture of the Golden State Killer, who had 0% chance of ever been caught otherwise.
  21. Well for starters they have future HOFer Marcel Tub 'O Goo. McD really screwed that one up. Look at that rock solid Jax run defense!
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