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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I would expect McCoy makes the HOF. Another 1500 yards over the next 2+ seasons gets him to 12,000. Everyone above that figure is in or a lock for the HOF except for Edgerrin James.
  2. Main topics of sports radio in SF yesterday were which Warriors get a statue and how Durant is wise to not be discussing a four-pete before winning #3. Guess no one is too worried about the next game.
  3. Hard to remember that far back, but wasn’t he impeached for lying under oath?
  4. Seattle ***** up big time trading him away.
  5. Wow, so gracious of you to give a guy the 'benefit of the doubt' after making the playoffs in his first year. But I can certainly see how squeaking by Tennessee and winning games against teams that were not each playing their single best game of the season with completely healthy rosters is a fireable offense! If this is straight out trolling, kudos. Sadly, I don't think it is.
  6. Eh. Everyone likes to forget how bad the team, the offense and Tyrod where playing at that point. McD saw the season slipping away and thought he'd take a chance. It didn't work, he went back to Taylor, the defense delivered a couple wins and the season ended on a high note. Hooray. The Peterman thing was overrated by hysterical Bills fans.
  7. Of course there's something financial going on. Resources are limited and they should be utilized where they will do the most benefit. I don't mean to be a prick cause I know it sucks when your parents die, but you didn't say how old your mother was, why she needed to make 'comeback after comeback', or what the comebacks consisted of; all things which should be considered when evaluating end of life care. It it may not have been relevant to your situation, but we need to do a whole lot less of keeping people alive just for the sake of breathing in this country.
  8. Seriously. If you don't count the must win game last year in week 17 and the playoff game the following week, he hasn't had the Bills in a SINGLE big game in almost two YEARS!! I can't believe they haven't fired him yet.
  9. Of course, he's the only coach to actually get the Bills into a big game this century, so there's that.
  10. Yup. Of course Pittsburgh has drafted much, much, much better than Buffalo for the last several decades so no one should be surprised.
  11. Agree 100%. So from now on only those who graduated high school and pay taxes should be allowed to vote, correct?
  12. Yup. Coaches and QBs will always get too much credit or too much blame.
  13. Which also highlights how no one has yet come within light years of Marino’s ‘84 season. I don’t even know what the equivalent would be in today’s NFL. 5500 yards? 6000?
  14. You would be embarrassed if you knew how clueless this makes you look.
  15. Probably, since that’s the nature of football. Regardless, it’s apparent they aren’t playing anywhere near the level they were in 2017, when they were a dominant unit. Yes, Denver must be thrilled with how that worked out.
  16. Primarily their defense, which has dropped off dramatically since last year. But Cousins and the O have played some horrible games.
  17. It was a playoff bye week for me but I'm plenty nervous. My Cousins-Gurley-Kamera-Julio-Evans combo was on a record setting points pace the first 10 weeks of the season but has come crashing down to earth the past few weeks. Not sure I can do anything but dance with who brung me in the semi-finals next week (against the hottest team in the league). Gulp.
  18. Hopefully resting him up during my playoff bye week. I need TG in top form next week!
  19. The idiots make a lot of noise around here but are still far in the minority.
  20. SF and OAK both win, making things a lot tighter at the top of the list.
  21. Exactly. Bears acting like a spoiled nine year end. How embarrassing for them.
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