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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I've come to the conclusion the NFL wants as many scores as possible in the late stages of any close game.
  2. That’s a big one. Water is is fine with lunch but doesn’t cut it for me with most dinner fare. Beer or wine are key.
  3. Darrell Hammond -- unbelievably talented; his range of characters is unparalleled on the show. The Clinton/Gore years were hilarious. Norm McDonald -- too irreverent even for the show that supposedly prides itself on being just that; his Weekend Update will never be approached, much less passed. Will Ferrell -- great 4-minute sketch comedian (but yes, still intolerable in any movie); you can't ignore his longevity and many good characters. Phil Hartman -- his Frank Sinatra might be the funniest character ever Dana Carvey, Victoria Jackson, Ana Gasteyer, Chris Rock and Mike Meyers for honorable mention.
  4. Boy, I sure miss that O-line! Thurman still underrated as a pure runner. Nahh....the Redskins were a fantastic team that year. They had the top scoring offense and one of the top scoring defenses. They were heavily favored for good reason.
  5. 1) *****-can replay 2) Stop looking for excuses to throw flags on every kick/punt return and deep pass That'd be a good start
  6. Of course the opposite approach cost Atlanta a Super Bowl so there's always a balance.
  7. Pittsburgh never beats NE when it matters. The Bills never beat them period.
  8. He had some bad luck though. The Fumble and the Marlon McCree play took away two playoff wins.
  9. At the time I thought they should have taken Darnold, but Barkley has been better than I expected. No doubt they go QB this year; let’s see how it turns out.
  10. On the bright side, at least he wasn't "profiled".
  11. Is she the one from Harry Potter? Otherwise, don't think I've ever seen one of her movies.
  12. You want Richie Rich, I paid for the Rich Guy Expressway while driving through Virginia last summer! I have long fantasized about alternate, pay for traffic-free highways and lo and behold, it actually exists!! How else you gonna get from DC to Williamsburg on a weekday afternoon?
  13. Absolutely LOVE that call by Lynn, regardless of how it turned out. Both teams had the advantage when their offense was on the field so why not go for it. Happy for him and the Chargers. I think the Chiefs were 99.3% favorites when I checked my phone after their last score.
  14. Anyone who would consider that a 'drinking problem' is either an over-concerned mother or a real alcoholic. As with any addiction, the test is whether or not you can stop if you want to or need to.
  15. For the investment to pay off they'd need to resign him, and that means a new contract after the first year, if not immediately.
  16. People make simple ***** way too complicated. Get the fast pass and set it up for auto load from your CC. Never worry about it again.
  17. Of course. There are about a billions things I care about more than what happens at 3am between dumb, trashy, drunk people I don't know. But I don't understand all the hysterical NFL bashing. What are they supposed to do? Obviously they'd rather not suspend their star players. Obviously they don't have a choice once video appears. And obviously they can't publically say "We don't care if our players beat women because so do plumbers, cops and stock brokers and you never see those guys fired for doing that."
  18. Thanks for the news flash Lois Lane. But can't really get on board with the 'it's unfair to women beaters if other women beaters get away with it' conclusion. Yes, other than doing a great job at the thing he was hired to do.....he's been awful!!!
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