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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Right....and have him hold out the second he gets here. Do people really think he's going to show up here and be a model citizen playing on a below top-tier contract? I don't care what his stats are, NFW to this piece of sh--.
  2. Do you call every member of your family on New Years day? There is an endless succession of loud, annoying calls to/from my wife and her extended family today. I'm going to head out for a hike.
  3. I stayed awake till midnight (on the east coast!) and apparently no one shows the ball drop in Times Square any more. We turned on the TV five minutes before 12ET and it was nothing but bimbos singing crappy songs and commercials. LOL....time for a New Year's scotch!
  4. Completely agree. His teams play hard and have been competitive despite the major talent disadvantage.
  5. I'd be very happy with a top OT, but is 300 on the small size for a tackle in this era?
  6. Of course......pro football owners would much rather have crappy teams than compete for championships with a black guy on the sidelines!
  7. A law requiring the state notify me they are charging me for a toll I just drove through?? What an idiotic piece of legislation. Nice of Cuomo to use some common sense for a change.
  8. More often than not, top dollar + >30 + declining health/productivity = disaster.
  9. Another thread for this? Did you really need the LAMP that badly?
  10. Quenton Nelson is a great football player, best of the group, but Mayfield is the rookie MVP.
  11. Right...didn't realize they reseeded. So need the Colts to beat Houston so they go to KC and NE plays the winner of SD/Balt.
  12. And of course the Pats avoid playing the red hot Ravens till the AFCC, the only team in the AFC with a history of beating NE.
  13. Apparently not in this thread. Elway and Favre were running QBs?? BillsVet nailed it above. It's nice as a compliment, but DCs will force Allen and Jackson to beat them from the pocket.
  14. My fear is the Eagles could upset NO or LA.....or Chicago next week.
  15. That....and this.... ....and maybe most of all, this..... The mouth breathers will immediately scream it's all Cousins, but there are a lot of factors that go into a team being successful or not during a season. Some years everything just falls into place, other years not so much. Their D clearly took a big step back, and they ran into a brutal schedule that wouldn't have looked as hard last year. And let's not forget they needed a fluke play to beat NO last year. I am kinda pissed at them for collapsing though, I was really enjoying the Eagles not making the playoffs this year for 16 weeks.
  16. It sounds more like an issue with the insurance people, but I'm a bit lost by your story as you said you transitioned to LTD, but are you not being paid under that policy? From their perspective you are either able to work full-time, in which case they are certainly entitled to expect that, or you aren't, in which case you should be on disability, or transition to part-time if that's all you are able to work. They can't continue benefits to a part-time employee without giving benefits to all part-time employees (discrimination lawsuits would quickly follow). If they are offering to let you use accrued PTO to maintain full-time status, that sounds like a solution. That's standard operating procedure for people on short-term disability (most frequently maternity leave).
  17. I'll root for the Saints and Chargers but until Brady is gone, any other team winning it all is perfectly fine.
  18. I'd prefer the concussion shot to the head from the opposite side of the field on the crossing route myself....but as I said above, it just doesn't happens in football.
  19. It's interesting that football is one sport where there is no retaliation. In hockey retaliation is practically written in the rules, in baseball it's not as common as it used to be, but it's still there. I don't know much about basketball but I can't imagine you could low-bridge someone and not have it come back to you pretty quickly. Football? Nothing. You just never see dirty players get their due.
  20. The day I worry about measuring my devotion to the franchise is the day I quit cold turkey. If someone wants to declare themselves a higher level of fan, they are welcome to it.
  21. Oh, that's a painful memory for the angry mob here on TSW (we don't have a catchy name for them like they do for 'Team Stormcloud' on the Sabres board), who have much bigger fish to fry (McD and Beane) than celebrating making the playoffs after 17 years! Thanks Kyle...you'll be missed!
  22. You would think more people would be more upset at the decline of college football but I guess not.
  23. Well....since no one else is worthy, why don't Alabama and Clemson just play each other during the season(!) and we can go back to the old days where conferences had bowl tie-ins and all the big games happened on New Years Day and everyone enjoyed watching them. Is there anyone who thinks this system works? They gutted the bowl game system in exchange for what, one game between the same two teams every year? And the only arguments to supposedly make it better are 'always include OSU no matter what' and 'put in multiple SEC teams no matter the records'? If that's how you're going to run a playoff, why not just go back to the old bowl system and final rankings to determine a champion? Seriously....in all the decades they did that, how many times did that fail to produce the correct national champ? Sure will be thrilling when Alabama beats Clemson by 3+ TDs.
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