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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Currently working my way through a bottle of Lagavulin.
  2. Far more likely that people here will be screaming for the Bills to tank so they can draft him. Learning about Cuba and having some food!
  3. Unfortunately many in that second group can last a long time. The biggest problem with corporate America is too many guys with decision making authority focused only on short term gain or protecting the status quo, and not on growing long term value and taking the risks inherent to doing that. I always try to hire people who are better than I am at the particular thing I'm hiring for. I want my Controller to be a better accountant than me, my FP&A guy to be a better modeler, etc.
  4. I'll take "Things I never thought I'd see in the NFL for $200, Alex"
  5. I dunno, I'm just glad they listened to the folks who said to cut Shady before it all came crashing down on him and made the Bills look bad.
  6. Let me recap the logic on display here. A 25 point comeback was more impressive than a 32 point comeback because it was on a 'bigger stage', yet a missed FG against the defending champs in a wild card game is somehow a bigger miss than a potential Super Bowl winning kick?? Uh...great post.
  7. Good thing that's only objectionable when Republicans do it! Once again....she seems like a really wonderful person and I really don't want to root for her demise, but......liberals just won't stop tempting me to do the wrong thing!
  8. Shouldn't his suspension over that squatter in his house be coming down anytime now?
  9. Honestly, what reason could there be to NOT wear that to a TBD tailgate?
  10. Of course he's not, NFL logos are registered trademarks.
  11. Has that WR Ross been doing that all year or just in the two playoff games?? He's unbelievable.
  12. That's what I said last week. How often did they really get it wrong in the old days? Almost never. Meanwhile, they ruined the entire bowl system for this playoff. Is it worth it? Not to me. Let the good teams have the balls to schedule each other like they used to do and go back to bowl games meaning something. Being in the Sugar Bowl used to be a HUGE deal for an SEC team. Ditto for the Big Ten/Pac Ten in the Rose Bowl, Cotton Bowl for the Big 12, etc.
  13. Good for him. Don't ***** around Bills, pay this guy well in advance of the end of his rookie deal.
  14. I dunno, but I sure feel a heck of a lot better about Notre Dame after tonight's game! Clemson may have victimized ND deep a few times when Julian Love was out, but they didn't march up and down the field at will and take a mercy knee to keep from going over 50!
  15. Just thought I'd bump this one since you know, losing by 27 .....or falling behind 28-0 is a national disgrace and an embarrasment. Obviously Alabama had business being in such a game. Oh when will they ever fix college football!!
  16. Ah...a fellow accounting major! I took mostly history and philosophy classes by senior year. Needed to bring up my GPA from all those C's I got in accounting.
  17. It's funny....there was no score kept in my daughters' second grade instructional soccer league that I coached, yet a lot of the girls kept track. The highlight of the season was our come from behind 3-2 win against the team that had crushed us 8-1 in the first game. I never said a word about the score but the 7 year olds knew and were all fired up about the W.
  18. That's because the ruling class has a vested interest in a fiscally ignorant populous. There is absolutely zero education around money in this country. None.
  19. Oregon: The only thing left making California look sane.
  20. They can....but they can't play stupid, make big mistakes, or go into a shell in the 4Q if they have a lead. Belichick and Brady eat teams that do those things for lunch.
  21. Sad but true. Usually get the kids in bed in time to watch the 4th quarter. Same with MNF. I bet you do! The two of them will do nothing for sleep and eat for the next few months. p.s. Congrats!
  22. Wow. That sucks for Chicago. Icing the kicker still works.
  23. Frankly that doesn't seem all that wise. Would be surprised if that passed a ballot initiative.
  24. Yup, and that seems ok to me. And it's rarely a trophy, more likely a ribbon. And frankly, half the time they don't even do that. My daughter got 5th in her group at a karate tournament (out of about 15) and was the last one to get a trophy. Of course she was very unhappy with her small trophy after her cousin took first and got the big one.
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