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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Nasty stuff doesn't necessarily mean = QB talent. And of course when one group of people are overboard on their praise (there's always been a vocal group proclaiming Newton as being great), that naturally creates another group who go overboard in the other direction. I've always thought he was a mediocre passer and a crappy leader, but he can (inconsistently) make plays so if I had one game to win I would still pick him over most other starting QBs.....but I wouldn't put money on him!
  2. Perception is a funny thing. I'm dying to know who is 'rating' Cousins as a top QB. How is he always overrated when apparently everyone agrees he's terrible? Seems to me like he's slightly above average and has never been put in a class higher than that. He's about 12th. Again, he's a little above average so not sure how he's so underrated. No one has ever said Newton is a bottom of the barrel QB.
  3. A friend of mine put this out on facebook, don't know how widespread it is but thought some here might enjoy opining on a variety of subjects. Or of course, add your own subjects/predictions for the new year. Estimate a probability of 0-100% for each of 25 events to take place in 2019. 1. On February 1, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will have more Twitter followers than Kellyanne Conway * 2. The NFC team will win Super Bowl LIII [expected resolution by 2/3/19] * 3. Childish Gambino’s “This is America” will win the Grammy award for best song [expected 2/10/19] * 4. At any time on March 1, Kamala Harris will lead in the PredictIt 2020 Democratic nomination market * 5. By March 2, the US and China will reach agreement on a trade deal confirmed by the US Trade Representative * 6. The UK will officially leave the European Union by April 1
 * 7. The US unemployment rate will be higher in the first quarter of 2019 than in the fourth quarter of 2018 [expected 4/5/19]
 * 8. By April 15, Uber will conduct an IPO resulting in a valuation over $70 billion * 9. A US government official will be impeached by the House of Representatives by May 1
 * 10. New York State will legalize recreational marijuana by May 15 * 11. Narendra Modi will be reëlected PM of India [expected 5/31/19]
 * 12. Kanye West will release the “Yandhi” album by June 1
 * 13. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will cease to be White House Press Secretary by June 15
 * 14. USA will repeat as Women’s World Cup champions [expected 7/7/19] * 15. Hedge funds (per Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index) will outperform the S&P 500 over the first half of 2019 [expected 7/11/19] * 16. Tiger Woods will win a major [expected 7/21/19] * 17. Significant US data privacy legislation will be passed and signed before the summer recess [expected 8/2/19] * 18. There will be a fatality involving a self-driving car in the US by August 15 * 19. On September 1, PewDiePie will have the most-subscribed YouTube channel
 * 20. Serena Williams will break the grand slam singles title record [expected 9/7/19] * 21. By September 30, Elizabeth Holmes will be sentenced to, or will reach a plea agreement entailing, at least 10 years in jail * 22. By October 6, a men’s track and field world record will be broken in sprinting or middle-distance running * 23. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will hear the first oral argument of the Supreme Court’s 2019-2020 term [expected 10/7/19] * 24. Prince Charles will become King of England prior to Guy Fawkes Day [expected 11/5/19]
 * 25. Russia will invade or annex territory from another country by November 30 *
  4. Can’t be surprised by much from a woman who got her start in politics by sucking Willie Brown’s dick.
  5. Oh, no question. He won’t open himself up to that again.
  6. You should watch the ‘Elway to Marino’ documentary. The Bills picked Hunter first because they would have been happy with either Kelly or Marino at 14. As spectacular as that 1st round was for the HOFers, it was equally spectacular for the failures. The Lions drafted a huge bust IIRC.
  7. After the failed Borking of Justice Kavanaugh using the ‘metoo#’ strategy, you have to wonder what hysteria Chuck & friends will try next time.
  8. Yeah...he needs to do the right thing and step down this year.
  9. Amazing how much attention meaningless nonsense attracts. Who cares if they put a flag up? Cubs do it every time they win a game.
  10. Definitely an acquired taste. Anyone catch the 60 Minutes piece on Islay over the New Years weekend?
  11. Well, what else are we supposed to do? We can't arrest and thereby risk offending the dignity of guys who piss and sh-- on the sidewalk.
  12. I’d like them to squeak out playoff wins against Alabama and Clemson. In the Super Bowl, beat Carolina in Cam Newton’s last game so he can pout for the rest of his life.
  13. I was puzzled until the ‘flights to Cuba’ sign. Maybe she just really needed to get out of this capitalist hell hole.
  14. I conceived my pocket planner theory about FL thirty years ago and it still holds true.
  15. Peyton's still pissed about that 41-0 playoff game.
  16. Yes, eventually I was able to divorce her. Oh, wait.....
  17. I know, we'll hire Hell's Angels to do security! What could possibly go wrong?
  18. I'll say 60-80%, which if you normalize for the fact the universe hates the Bills, comes in right around 7%.
  19. Trump’s right, there’s little reason not to build it. Will it stop all illegals? No. Will it help? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it expensive relative to what we spend on all kinds of crap? No.
  20. I’ve worked off some of my inventory, but still have these waiting on the top shelf: Glenlivet 12 MacCallan rare cask Bookers small batch bourbon series I need to add a Glenmorangie to the collection, preferably the 18 yo or 12 w/ Port Wood finish. Been way too long since I tasted that.
  21. Please give us an update on the parents reaction when the new soft coach goes 6-10! ?
  22. Yup. If the game is on a Saturday everyone heads to the airport at 6am Sunday morning. This way Saturday is a huge economic day for the host city and they get an extra hotel night. Plus, pro football is supposed to be played on Sunday. I still don’t really understand the issue with going to work the day after watching a football game on TV that ends by 10:30 ET. But that’s not gonna stop us from having a ten page thread about it every year!
  23. Don't care...except for the fact they are both horrible and both on TV every weekend. Can't wait till the Raiders leave and I can get a real AFC game on TV.
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