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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Love it. Of course, the over/under on penalties against Chiefs defensive backs today is 7 1/2 .
  2. Dear Sean, You have a HOF QB. Stop taking him out. Thanks
  3. Glad I don't need Gurley to win me a fantasy championship today. His hands turned to stone today.
  4. -- why would your opinion offend me? I don't know you. So you're saying that if you never went to college you would have been able to achieve the same career milestones. I suppose that's possible, but I've met very few people who have worked in professional settings that can say that (I know a number of successful tradesmen who can say that). And it sounds like, presumably other than obvious things like learning to read and add, you didn't find much value in any education beyond Kindergarten. If you say so. As I said above, it's now fashionable to declare 'college isn't worth it', and so it gets repeated a lot. Yes, if you are some bimbo who paid $80 grand a year to get a feminist studies degree from NYU that might be accurate, but for most the experience and learnings are worthwhile and the financial returns measured over time support that conclusion.
  5. It's the beginning of the end for Trump.
  6. You are stuck on the notion that college is supposed to equal job training. It's not. I'm curious about what you've done for 30 years without ever having the value of your education become apparent to you. The anti-college thing is just a fad; goes hand in hand with the 'kids have too much homework' movement, which of course is absurd.
  7. I don’t consider this controversial; I consider it a travesty that it is not law.
  8. I’m fine with it. Fug him. If you’re stupid enough to smuggle drugs in China you deserve what you get. Sure they’re threatening to zap him in retaliation, but spare me the ‘allegations’ nonsense. China can kill all the drug smugglers they want AFAIC.
  9. Well he’s about to jet off to Hong Kong now that he’s back from FMLA leave so maybe we’ll find out!
  10. Apparently. Clickbait is bad enough, but fake news clickbait is inexcusable!!
  11. Pretty vile; guess that’s what happens when you outsource your educational responsibilities to a couple of 22 year old bimbos. Hope the whole administration gets fired.
  12. Kinda wild to think where this will be in 30 years. And a little scary!
  13. So only two more games to root for a career ending injury? Bummer.
  14. I don't trust Oliver and I don't want a DT in the first round. OT or 'Edge' in the first round please.
  15. I watched the first 3 and concluded the stadiums haven't changed much but staged photography has made incredible leaps and bounds. Amazing how there are only grainy, black and white pictures of empty stadiums available from the dark ages of the late 1990s.
  16. Friend of my sister's is going through that right now. Two little kids, tough road. Another buddy I used to work with just lost his wife to breast cancer. At least in his case the kids are HS/college age so a little more equipped to deal. Still, he's clearly devastated. Of course, we've seen great people on this board laid low by what cancer has done to their loved ones. One guy in particular. Very happy to read the news on Jimbo. Good luck to you, TroutDog.
  17. We saw this that same afternoon way over here in Marin. Here's the pic my daughter took:
  18. The whole sequence on the train in that movie is the high point of the entire Bond series for me. "You may know the right wines, but you're the one on your knees"
  19. Wait, it doesn't mean "use my prestige and authority to seduce young women"? Some guys never learn when call it quits. I happily left the office holiday party at 10pm and let the youngsters and sales guys carry on till the wee hours. I had my time in that crowd....you gotta know when your time is over.
  20. Robert Shaw was one of the all time greats. Love every one of his movies. It's a shame he died young. He's like the Bo Jackson of actors. John Cazale was the Gale Sayers.
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