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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. When I can, but with a wife and 3 kids I almost never have the house to myself.
  2. I would absolutely be boycotting as I did last Super Bowl and today's game, but now my wife informs me that her relatives from LA will be here that weekend and are all fired up about the SB. Poor suckers have absolutely no idea what they are in for. Guess I'll make wings, be a good host and try to be really drunk by the time it ends badly for the Rams.
  3. Please tell me some of you didn't sit through this entire game expecting or hoping for something other than the inevitable....
  4. Actually, NRC got away with PI on at least one other play I can recall.
  5. One thing I notice....refs frequently gather to discuss a flag and will sometimes pick it up. But they rarely gather and then throw one later (except for intentional grounding after a discussion about the tackle box). You'd think it would have been easy for the other refs to correct the guy who missed the call, but that doesn't seem to be part of how NFL officials work.
  6. Was that the phantom defensive hold called while Miami was halfway through their parade the following Tuesday?
  7. No thanks. I'd like to enjoy the next two weeks w/o 24x7 Tammy knob polishing.
  8. 20 years in NO.....2 days everywhere else. Does anyone outside of Indy (and us) still lament NE manhandling the Colts WRs in that one AFCC? They got away with about 10 PI penalties that day.
  9. Yeah, lost in the hysteria of the last few minutes is the fact the Rams hung around all day when it looked like the Saints were in control and they made a bunch of big plays, offensive, defense and ST to pull it out.
  10. "Hey everybody, I used to be Sean McVay!!!! Have you forgotten my onside kick in the Super Bowl??? " -Sean Payton
  11. That sucks. Would have liked to see Brees get another ring.
  12. There's no way Belichick doesn't eat Goff for lunch in the SB, right?
  13. Not me. I'd expect NE DBs to be allowed to use clubs and knives against the Bills in an AFCC.
  14. NRC might get prison time if he does that against NE in the Super Bowl.
  15. If it were the Pats* they would have thrown a flag on the next play too, just because.
  16. Amazing how Ted Ginn is still popping up in big spots all these after Miami gave up on him.
  17. Yup. Go up four and force NO to score a TD. The way Anderson has been running I think it's unlikely he doesn't get 1/2 yard.
  18. That would have been a crap call....he grazed it with his hand and clearly let Goff go instead of grabbing. I can't believe people are complaining when we're finally getting a game that the refs are NOT actively deciding.
  19. Wow....can't believe he didn't go for the TD there. Bad time to stop being the guy you've been all year IMO.
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