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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'm sorry, but the sane and rational people will never get over Peterman starting in San Diego two years ago.
  2. Personally I'd rather a Kardashian camel toe (unless it's Bruce Jenner's) than a story about this very average looking chick.
  3. JP Losman, Sammy Watkins and TJ Graham couldn't agree more.
  4. Its not technically cheating if the league rigs it that way. NE* is like Hulk Hogan or whichever old wrestler always ended up improbably winning in the end.
  5. How could you possibly be unaware the wife holds veto power....in all situations? ?
  6. Are you making the trip up to Oakland for her big kickoff this weekend?
  7. Interesting if you find bullsh--- fabrication and manipulation of statistics to be interesting. The assertion was 1.4% of Americans owned slaves. Not 1.4% of Americans plus all their offspring owned slaves or 1.4% of Americans living in a certain region owned slaves, it was just 1.4% of Americans owned slaves. Yet this bullsh-- article essentially says 'let's just ignore that, reduce the denominator by more than half and then declare that 5% is more than 1.4%'. Brilliant! Out of the 31m people in 1860, roughly 22m lived in the north and 9m in the south. By the author's stats, 4.9% of the southerners owned slaves, or roughly 440,000 people. 440k / 31m = 1.4% of Americans owned slaves. So the meme was in fact, true.
  8. Does Private Benjamin count as a war movie? Goldie was still near her peak.
  9. I don't have any controversial opinions because all my opinions are correct.
  10. Presumably all the liberals who went crazy every time the Bush Administration announced their color coded threat level will react with the same ridicule and disdain at this news, right?
  11. I can't wait for the halftime performance of ChiliWingsBeer, with the opening act TakeALeak.
  12. I thought they should have gone QB since they were so high in the draft order. It might work out for them if they can land their guy this year, but if they miss they could be in no-QB purgatory for a long time.
  13. Unless you are getting OJ Simpson level 'can't miss' talent, drafting a RB in the first round is a huge mistake. Let's hope the Bills are so scared from the lost decade of drafting where they did this three times that they never do it again.
  14. Pretty well covered so far; add one not yet mentioned: Gettysburg. A little dramatic and I always thought Marin Sheen was a bit over the top with his doddering old man portrait of Lee, but overall very good and had a great cast with some excellent performances. Great Escape has always been my favorite.
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