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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yup. That's the hilarious irony -- the hypocritical scumbags who perpetuate this crap are the primary reason why Trump won in the first place.
  2. In other breaking news, it was revealed today that the earth orbits around the sun.
  3. Yes it’s a numbers game but all the women are there looking for dates too. Just like in a bar, if you’re too superficial or you’re a 4 and only approach 10s, you’ll have a low hit rate. You still need to put in some effort. But overall I met a ton of girls that way.
  4. 5 1/2 months You’re crazy if you don’t go online. The world has changed. Online dating v not is like having direct deposit v waiting in line at the bank.
  5. I like my alone time too but I started dating five months before my divorce was final.
  6. It ain't a great SB if the wrong team won, so obviously any games were the Pats*, Steelers or Cowboys won don't qualify: #1 Giants/Pats I -- literally the second most excited I've ever been watching sports (after 1986 game 6) #2 Giants/Pats II -- almost as good as the first time #3 Seahawks/Pats -- ***** you Pete Carroll #4 Falcons/Pats -- ***** you Dan Quinn #3 Broncos/GB -- I was completely pulling for Elway, jumped out of my chair on that helicopter run #4 SF/Cincy II -- Montana with the all-time SB drive #5 Broncos/Panthers -- Manning deserving of #2; Newton deserving of his pouty, whiny B word press conference
  7. Collinsworth is clearly very smart and a student of the game. I thought he was great when he first started doing games but he seems to have let the celebrity go to his head a bit. He reminds me of Tim McCarver that way. McCarver is one of the best baseball analysts ever (loved him as the Mets guy) but he seemed to grate on people the longer he stayed on the air.
  8. Correct, it would have been a minute left. I imagine that's why they threw on first down. And if you're going to throw it, that was the right down to do it, as it was open but Brees threw it in the dirt and from there the die was cast. That's the additional risk you introduce when throw the ball rather than run it.
  9. Seriously? That Cowboys team was loaded on both sides of the ball; the Bills had no chance.
  10. Once I played golf in Vegas during a July afternoon. 117 degrees. Not sure on coldest....probably somewhere around -10. 60s and sunny here today.
  11. RIP. Great voice, great songs. Love that old R&B sound.
  12. I ate at a fancy restaurant recently and when the bill came it said ‘No meadcoin’! I was furious.
  13. Given how quickly the cap has risen and how many teams have QBs on low $ deals, I think the market is going to be hot for just about everyone.
  14. NRC reminds me of the Happy Days episode where Richie hits a miracle shot at the buzzer to win the basketball game, spends a week acting like he's the man, and then gets torched in the next game. There is almost zero chance this ends well for NRC.
  15. They should play home games at 8 different venues, just jump around. That would be great. Yeah, but parking is a breeze! Actually, Cal was my first thought. If anyone ever doubted that gingers have no soul.....just look at that guy.
  16. Who'd complain about campfire smell? That's the best. Sitting around the smokey fire for 3 days will covers up any BO!
  17. It’s pretty shocking you’d receive service that bad at a strip mall $5 burger joint!
  18. The best halftime shows were when MTV timed new Beavis & Butthead episodes to run right after the first half ended.
  19. Underestimated the buying power of the Clinton Foundation, are you? I wonder what a super delegate will cost this time around.
  20. I don't really know what 'cheating' means anymore. They whole thing is tilted so much to benefit the teams they want to advance it's hard to say where the cheating ends and the rigging begins. Personal foul penalty on the game decided drive for slapping his shoulder pads. Honestly, that's as bad as the non-call in NO but it happens literally every NE game. Then toss in the organizational cheating, Brady's cheating, etc.....it's basically the WWE now. The bad guys who always win. It sells.
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