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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Or helping to create more of the manufactured "Trump = racism" narrative the same week two black Senators are announcing their candidency for President in a crowded field.
  2. Well you know, Trump has created a KKK culture so maybe the photo can be blamed on him.
  3. Nothing more amusing than a hypocritical liberal twisting in the wind of scandal. Not sure if this one will measure up to Eliot Spitzer or Anthony Weiner levels, but still should be highly enjoyable!
  4. Zero sadly. I don't work in good betting environment like in the old days.
  5. Belichick chews up and spits out Goff and McVay's offense. Rams waste opportunities all over the place. Brady never chokes in the 4Q. Unless he does, in which case the refs always bail him out.
  6. I've concluded the NBA is basically the same as Bravo is for women. A bunch of whiney ***** carping at each other as substitute for anything interesting happening.
  7. Only mint condition cards are ever worth anything so even in the highly unlikely case you did have a valuable card, sitting in an attic or basement for 40 years has ruined its value. Toss them out and never think of them again. Purging is good for the soul.
  8. Seems like it's about time to change your thread title from 'assault' to 'hoax'.
  9. Let's hope. My first instinct was this was probably an overreaction to something when he was 15, but seeing the video and learning it was just 3 years ago confirms this is a sub-human who deserves nothing. .....and of course those who make their living sniffing jock's asses come up with some 'story of redemption' bullsh--.
  10. Too bad Vegas doesn’t offer prop bets on the number of bogus calls for NE.
  11. I remember it being unusually warm. Two days before the game it still wasn't a sell out so I bought tickets and drove up with my ex-wife from CT.
  12. That's the beauty of Google alerts....set it once and the quality news just pours right in.
  13. Wow, that sucks. He was still a young man. RIP
  14. I've had to fire lots of people. Usually it goes well but not always. One time we were firing a bad sales guy who was supposed to be very high caliber but wasn't. He had insisted he needed an assistant to do his expense reports and schedule (turns out the assistant was his daughter). When we fired him he literally cried and begged us to change our minds. I realized right there he was nothing but scam artist and began enjoying the moment.
  15. In the early days of mass transit commuter benefits, we used to get 'transit checks' and distribute them to employees. You then used that to buy your train, bus, subway tickets. One month the whole batch went missing; we only had a couple operations guys so I was sure one of them grabbed them (I had a strong hunch which one), but didn't have any way to prove it so no one got fired. But I presume he rode the train free for the next couple years.
  16. Wifey makes a mean brisket chili. I'll have two flavors of wings.....wimpy and the ones I'll be eating.
  17. It's always been more Belichick. I think that's why Brady wants to hang on so long....he's trying to prevent Belichick from having a chance to win with someone else.
  18. Of course, which is why people invent these bogus stories and why the media and politicians repeat them and why morons post "this happened because Trump created a KKK culture!!" on Facebook (yes someone I know posted essentially that a few days ago). So we should be happy when voters reject that kind of manipulation, right?
  19. Puh-leeze. Anyone with an ethical heart has seen this sham tried many times before and they have identified those with zero moral compass who attempt to gain political advantage by perpetrating them. And they have seen which political candidates those people try to push on us. And sometimes, those who would not be so manipulated rebel at the polls. So you can play the 'mid-west rube tricked into voting for the wrong guy' card if it makes you feel better, but 2016 was not about picking the wrong candidate between two who both score zero on any ethical scale, rather it was, as Michael Moore astutely predicated, a "***** YOU!!" election. And it was very clear which one was the ***** you candidate. You of all people here should appreciate that mindset far more than you do. But maybe for all the blather, when push comes to shove you are really just another party shill.
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