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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Holy *****.... So we'll just fire up some "new public banks" so they can "extend credit"? And the government is going to take an "equity stake" in paying lazy people who don't want to work?? Sign me up for the short position, please! Are we absolutely sure Hogboy wasn't elected to Congress?
  2. I thought he was just trying to make face covers great again.
  3. Few are treated with hostility for expressing different opinions. Many are treated with hostility for expressing simpleton sound bites without displaying the ability to provide a rational argument. Picking on Don is fine and there's no shortage of material there. And while you say you don't consider all Democrats 'saints' or kowtow to the left, you don't even seem to be appreciating the ironic hilarity of a so-called 'progressive' Governor showing up in pictures wearing KKK hoods and blackface after running a campaign largely based on painting his opponent as a racist.
  4. The snowflakes usually melt very quickly over there.
  5. .....and cable/satellite TV. But let me guess....they can't afford health insurance.
  6. Maybe they should use the old "we're initiating a dialogue about race" line like the Gov of Virginia!
  7. Considering only about 1% of women will make effective soldiers, I'm fine with it. I can't imagine anything less efficient than having to weed out millions of unfit women if we had to quickly call people up to fight. So in other words, for all the crying over and slurs against Trump, you are freely admitting your party is no better than he. No earth shattering news there.
  8. Bingo. Just like at the poker table, being able to read your opponent is a huge advantage. It's just more evidence of what I've always thought -- 90% of NE's success is Belichick. He is miles ahead of his peers in terms of planning and preparation. This game may have been the finest example.
  9. Yeah....except this scam wasn’t just some random guy. It was done for the political benefit of one specific party and timed to coincide with one specific candidate and the kick off of her candidacy for President.
  10. Gee, if only he had done something forgivable, like dress in black face or in a KKK hood.
  11. I'm fantasizing about Trump holding a poster sized version of that card up during a debate and saying "You lied. Why can't you just admit that you're a liar?"
  12. I'll pass on Kevin Glass. 25 catches in 4 years. That's a Jayne Mansfield level bust.
  13. I take it all back....there actually was a funny Super Bowl commercial! Obvious bonus points for pissing off idiots who take themselves way too seriously based on what they (or other people) eat.
  14. I'm good. mead sent me the wine opener key.
  15. Where does the guy who thought Guam was going to tip over slot in on that list?
  16. The Colbert show came on last night after the game. Guess how many Coonman jokes?
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