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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Can't say if it's growing because it's been clear as day the American left has despised Jews for decades. Maybe those Jews still clinging to the far left (I know several) will start to wake up as more of this kind of filth infiltrates Congress.
  2. Good grief, twittering your 'support' for your rookie QB? That's horrible. It's nice to see another team doing something that is normally classified as "Billsy".
  3. The Bills did trade for Mack....but some moron misspelled his name as W-a-t-k-i-n-s on the draft card.
  4. I'm sure it will be a big improvement vs the current situation where some moron nods off, sends the train flying through a curve at 80 mph, derails, kills a few people, and them blames it on his 'medication', and has the union protect him from any recourse. Never mind the whole "Why the ***** is a guy on heart or blood pressure meds driving a train in the first place" question.
  5. It’s a special day - Asian carp for dinner?
  6. Well, yes. When you combine hot weather horniness with a culture that doesn't allow anyone to get laid....... boom goes the dynamite.
  7. I hope you aren't considering appropriating his culture!
  8. It's never funny when two innocent people get shot, but........that's about as close as it gets!
  9. My biggest takeaway from that is, WTF is a 'social media influencer'?
  10. But can you imagine TSW picking apart that team and that game? "Fergy can't hit anything, need to draft a QB!" "OL is a disaster, McKenzie is done!" "Hope they plan to get 6 turnovers every week!" "Why do they keep giving the ball to Brown?"
  11. These yahoos were my grandmother's first cousins: http://mailtribune.com/archive/the-not-so-great-train-robbery
  12. Nice one Don. It will either be a trail of tears for Liz, or 320 million Americans.
  13. Maybe we'll get lucky and she's jump into the Democratic primary like every other women under the sun.
  14. Other than occasionally if I happen to be the car, none since the days of Mike & the Mad Dog. Edit: And Steve Somers, schmozzing under the covers.
  15. That's the early front runner for twitter of the '20 election.
  16. Doesn't Tom already pay a rain tax in Maryland? I can't believe they figured out a drought tax for us here in CA. They could structure it like the baseball luxury tax....it keeps going up the longer it goes without raining.
  17. As I've said many times before, it's a shame Madoff was caught before he had the chance to suck the Wilpons completely dry. James Dolan aside, not sure there is a worse owner in sports.
  18. I knew this was going to be a 'hell yes!' as soon as I saw 'cleavage' and 'Brazilian'. Yup. Any time the wife asks "Is this too much?" my answer is always the same.
  19. I like how this has morphed into a thread about the thread.
  20. Seriously. When your cat or dog gets cancer you have them 'put down' to avoid unnecessary suffering. But with my mother, the last option was to literally starve her to death and pump her full of drugs so she wouldn't feel anything. Great system.
  21. Not to mention, who is paying to keep a dead person clinically alive? My biggest complaint about the ACA was the death panels never came to fruition.
  22. Did they start with the ones that were on Smollett's credit card records?
  23. Don't worry, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez will be ensuring his financial security!
  24. Never in a million years did I think the Trump Presidency would provide this much comic relief.
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