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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Really? So where are the white guys, MAGA hats and noose?
  2. I think the 'Would Ya' scale changes dramatically if you are in prison.
  3. The data points to the conclusion that this board is mostly comprised of old guys.
  4. He got a fat Super Bowl champion contract but failed to bring Von Miller along with him to Jax.
  5. Boy, it sure doesn't get any more "progressive" than banning anything that uses 21st century technology! Ho, ho, you silly peasants!! Don't you know that a few of you being killed, beaten or robbed every so often is a trifle thing compared with standing up against those who would dare to make life easier, more convenient and more affordable!
  6. Then why didn't you wait for the 'truth' before you asserted what happened in the first place? You must work in media! Cammie had to make a big racism splash to get her campaign kicked off on the right foot. I love watching this kind of sh-- go down. Can any of us even begin to fathom the number of leftist politicians and black big-wigs that are attempting to influence the Chicago PD right now?
  7. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He's promoting awareness and there is nothing more important than promoting awareness. Now, can we get back to the important issues of the day, like getting hysterical over what somebody's wife said about measles?
  8. I hope not. I don’t know why people think guys who have worn out their welcome in stable, successful environments like Pittsburgh and New York are going to work out in Buffalo.
  9. Yup. That one just got worse and worse as he became a star in SF. Meanwhile the Mets ended up with soulless guys like Kevin McReynolds and Juan Samuel.
  10. Lenny Dykstra Doc Gooden really the whole dismantling of the late '80s Mets
  11. It's really time for you to change the thread title here....it's pretty clear there was no assault.
  12. If better than what you have, sure, why not? Skimping on special teams players = sh---y special teams.
  13. And he wasn't even that good....he played on a team with the #1 defense.
  14. This stuff always reminds me of Capricorn One; perfect blend of '70s cheese with conspiracy theory.....and with OJ!
  15. Air travel? Can't you reach everywhere in her district via the NYC subway??
  16. Yeah, not sure I understand the reactions here. Flacco is a day 1 starter while a rookie holds the clipboard and learns (like QBs used to do).
  17. The ignorant mob doesn't care if it's a lie. They just wanted a fresh excuse to be 'outraged' and scream #orangemanbad
  18. Oh, well, why didn't someone say so?? All good then!
  19. That is honestly one of the very few things in life that leaves me completely baffled. I can understand the idiocy of AOC and the appeal of that idiocy to other idiots, but I can't for the life of me begin to understand that thinking from that group of (almost universally) intelligent and educated people.
  20. Oh, virtually all the ones I know are Dems, and most are far left. One was posting nonsense like "I don't know if I'll be safe in this country as a Jew" after Trump was elected. You know....because guys who spend decades as a New York City real estate developer and in the entertainment business are usually known to refuse to work or associate with Jews.
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