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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Far more likely there will be a debriefing among the perps and supporters analyzing what went wrong and how they can make the next hoax stick better. Somehow the 'facts' coming out about the Martin-Zimmerman incident didn't slow this type of bullsh-- down one iota.
  2. This. Did she really call her mother to whine that she was being thrown off the plane? Without having any idea what she did, that alone was justification.
  3. This idiot is rapidly approaching TO 'don't touch' status. Wherever he goes next it'll end badly and after that no one will touch him except maybe some disaster team like the Jets, looking for a miracle.
  4. I've been checking in on this thread just waiting for this....
  5. About 20 feet....I'm in Tahoe; crazy snow up here. I think they just lifted the chain control.
  6. Love the brilliance here....can’t even fathom the concept of learning or understanding something on his own. Troll on, ######.
  7. Too ***** stupid to even understand what public companies are required to report and where to find it. Thanks for being such a great example of the level of intelligence of the average moron who knows nothing beyond what they are told by cable news and clickbait web blogs.
  8. Go read their financials moron, the ‘question’ is fully answered there.
  9. Tax loss carryovers requires about as much strategy as running a QB sneak on 4th and inches. By the way, individuals can do that too. Every year or so we need the media to stir up the idiots about some tax story they don’t understand. Remember all the outrage from idiots because Goodell made $30m at a ‘non-profit’? Exactly
  10. Now I'm rooting for Joe. "America is an embarrassment" will make a great campaign commercial!
  11. Well you gotta rile up those once in a lifetime Obama voters somehow. Working class whites in the rust belt sure aren't gonna put Cammie in the White House!
  12. Whelp, I sure was wrong about that one. I thought he would be an impact player for the Bills.
  13. It's not a hoax. We're just deemphasizing the parts about white guys, MAGA and a noose. [/MSM]
  14. I didn't even know that was a category to be famous in....much less ever heard this guy's name until two weeks ago.
  15. Actually, I'll vote for him in '20 even though I did not in '16 as well. Nothing to do with whiny Evangelicals (they can abort all the future Democrats and welfare recipients they want IMO), but given the choice between a distasteful guy with generally sound and reasonable policy (98% of the crying from the left is completely manufactured bs), or the far-left whack-job show we will be offered as an alternative, I'd say it's a pretty easy choice.
  16. Maybe Obama was concerned about the hats https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1d933ff9-e704-4c39-a39e-28f26c7c5ec5
  17. If the NFL had to write him a big check, you can be sure he'll never play again. But I wouldn't be surprised if the deal was 'no money, but we'll get you on a roster before training camp.'
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