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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Joe Delaney Rodney Culver Hank Gathers Kim Duk-koo Lyman Bostock John McSherry Darryl Kile
  2. Never understood the Five Guys hype. I've had awful fries there, and burgers are just ok. Takes about a month to get your order. Service is usually terrible.
  3. Better if it said, ‘don’t pay someone to beat you up over it’
  4. Fun show...we used to watch it all the time after school. RIP
  5. I agree, let's ban all the vaccines and get the global population back under control.
  6. This wasn't a problem in the old days when we had Free Advice Thursdays.
  7. Sounds like it's time to upgrade the thread title again to "criminal hoax".
  8. Roger Waters comes out as a complete ***** moron..... https://hotair.com/archives/2019/02/20/roger-waters-says-theres-no-dictatorship-venezuela/
  9. Oh, so you’re just drawing false comparisons as a way to dodge admitting your precious left wing is completely full of sh— on all this race baiting. Got it.
  10. Are there plenty of examples of national media turning these false accusations into huge, political stories, or presidential candidates publicly commenting on them?
  11. Of course climate change is happening, it’s been happening for billions of years. I don’t believe hysterical predictions of doom based on 150 years of weather data and models that are based off countless assumptions that can’t can’t be verified but can easily be manipulated. The point is that to the extent humans are impacting climate change, it is directly tied to population. Thus people who scream Chicken Little yet refuse to discuss the biggest driver of those human impacts should not be taken seriously.
  12. Without question, and why the climate change hysterics should not be taken seriously.
  13. Incentive based, one-year deal is a lot different than what the Bills owned him to stay. Good luck to him. He was a big disappointment but I have no hard feelings for the guy.
  14. The game where he went 3 and out something like ten times in a row against the Jets and then marched Denver downfield in the final two minutes and scored the winning TD is still one of my favorite NFL games ever. Mostly cause it was the Jets.
  15. Timmy Smith was a 3 game wonder: 342 yards in 3 playoff games (204 in the Super Bowl) in 1987. Rest of his career: 602 yards. Played in only 15 games post-Super Bowl MVP.
  16. Clearly you didn't read the platform for the Green New Deal where they answered this question. We're going to commission some new public banks who will extend credit. Aaaaaaaaaand......presto!
  17. ....always double down on 11. I remember enjoying the Mirage sportsbook but that was about 20 years ago so no idea what's good now.
  18. I was gonna say....if they have a $250m payroll to meet, I don't think one emergency infusion is going to do it!
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