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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. No, but I love how they decided to pay homage to the President by designing the stage to look like his hair.
  2. Not surprised....we probably should have started doing that after the oil crisis in the 70s. We're doing a remodel and have to pass a green energy audit to get the permits.
  3. And as night must follow day, today we're getting the blitz of stories about Kraft and his 'deceased wife' and 'millions to charity'.
  4. This is hilarious coming from you. You're barely a half step above gatortard.
  5. Don't worry. Occasional-Cortex will assure there is sufficient sunlight by passing a law limiting clouds. But don't get me wrong -- it's absurd we have done such a poor job utilizing solar power. But 'the world will end in 12 years' hysteria is enormously counter-productive (for lots of reasons, not the least of which is how many incredibly ignorant people we are creating). How about we continue to gradually strengthen green building standards, up to and including solar requirements for new housing starts?
  6. You mean because we can stop writing hundreds of stories daily about climate change once it’s ‘solved’ by the Green New Deal?
  7. I like crazy but there’s a difference between crazy and c—t. This one is the later.
  8. So 60 million houses times what, 30 grand a pop? And how many commercial, government or multi-residential buildings? Guess we’ll need a few more solar installers, huh? Government can probably train former coal miners how to do that in a week or so.
  9. Hmmm....perhaps one of the enlightened posters can tell me how I’m going to heat my home? Wood burning fires aren’t exactly ‘green’.
  10. Agreed. Ate there yesterday with the kids. The fries are solid, burgers are delicious. Service is always top notch. I think it’s now one of those situations where it’s become cool to trash them because they got so popular.
  11. I think it's more embarrassing that a multi-billionaire can't arrange a better situation than trying for a handy at a chessy strip mall massage joint! You think Tiger, Slick Willy or Trump would be caught dead in a place like that??
  12. This thread remains me a movie scene.... https://www.wingclips.com/movie-clips/man-on-the-moon/i-have-cancer
  13. Oh it has plenty to do with it. Trump is intentionally robbing undocumented immigrants of good paying jobs!!
  14. Since I'm in Squaw Valley, I might have to do the same for the 1960 team.
  15. True, but don't be too sure the leftists have given up the lead on this topic. Plenty of anti-vaxxers out here in Marin. Next up from the enlightened left: my town just 'banned' 5G.
  16. Yeah, I get the math, but if you re-read what you wrote it becomes pretty clear this 'easiest schedule' thing is one of the dumbest conversation topics of the year.
  17. I don't give a flying ***** what color his collar is. I don't want a player like Antonio Brown because he is an ego-centric, 'me-only', stats-prioritizing, locker room cancer, piece of sh-- who is demanding huge money and even if he gets it will start pouting it's not enough about six weeks later.
  18. Don't the Bills and NE* play the same schedule except for two games where they play KC/Houston and the Bills play Denver/Tennessee?
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