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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Are there any statues of him we can tear down?
  2. Buffalo Frackers would be insulting to environmentalists.
  3. Miami was a doormat for years until Schnellenberger got there and started turning things around. They improved significantly during Kelly's tenure but weren't really a national championship contender until after he left and that '83 team made it to that Orange Bowl. btw....Kelly was recruited to the U by ....... Lou Saban!
  4. I dunno, but that's a TSW thread I'd have liked to have seen!
  5. Are we finally changing the highly offensive name "Buffalo Bills", that honors a man who degraded animals and Native Americans?
  6. Not many times and places I'd have rather lived than Southern CA in the early 60s.
  7. I did. Tiffani Amber Thiessen at her peak. Aziz LIGHT!
  8. A crazy girl with a mouth like that can do some amazing things.....just sayin'.
  9. Welcome Al Leiter; one of my favorite Mets. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2019/03/mets-hire-al-leiter-baseball-operations-advisor.html
  10. Nope.....but sounds like he'll have a long and productive NFL career!
  11. Smith has always been an AH, but it doesn't make Jackson look very good if he shows no ability to modulate the pace of his throws.
  12. Good grief, why not just sign Usian Bolt as an UDFA?
  13. That's true, but out of a whole freshman class at an Ivy, how many are from families as high up the food chain as Bush? My assumption is that while legacy provides a leg up and/or acts as a big tie-breaker, there isn't a very big % that is getting in based strictly on their family or contributions to the alumni fund. I'm one of six and none of us got into Notre Dame and U Chicago with our inferior grades despite Dad & Mom's degrees.
  14. btw.....SNL and The Daily Show and Colbert must be hilarious lately with all this AOC material, huh?
  15. Which is why there’s a big ‘do not operate machinery’ warning on the side of cough syrup. My point is the point made by Rob about DWH concerns are valid.
  16. There you go....pot zones you out, reduces your reflex times. Not good things when operating several thousand pounds of machinery at high speeds.
  17. Yes, and those people are called "idiots". I'm sure they also think they drive 'better' after a couple drinks.
  18. LOL...what a piece of sh--. Too bad the cop didn't shoot him.
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