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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yeah, it's a shame they killed late night comedy over the last 20 years. Edit: Actually, it's a shame they killed comedy ENTIRELY over the last 20 years, in all formats. When was the last time Hollywood produced a great comedy? I couldn't say. That last great network TV comedy premiered more than 25 years ago. On late night TV its obviously politics, but across all mediums it's a combination of that plus the dumbing down of everything plus the PC policing of comedy in all forms. When mediocre SNL alums like Amy Poehler are considered front line television humor, you know it's as bad as it can get.
  2. Change the clocks the night before, go to bed early, and don't play the 'it's really 7:30.....' game or even talk about it to the kids.
  3. I checked it out too; cheapest bottle I saw online was >$100, too rich for my palate.
  4. I think you missed the last 20 minutes of the movie!! There was another motel....I think it was in El Paso. As I recall it, only Javier and Tommy Lee were alive at the end.
  5. Brolin died in the motel shoot-out, no? He was in the ground by the time Javier kept his promise with his wife. Brolin was a tough customer but as Woody pointed out to him....he wasn't cut out for this. Turns out neither was Woody.
  6. Doesn’t seem that long ago I had one of these on my desk! It was still the fastest way to do quick math or sum a total offline.
  7. Same here. Don’t think my sarcasm came through on the ‘summer blockbuster’/superhero garbage that is endlessly recycled.
  8. I can not remember the last movie we saw in a theatre (not counting Indi-film festival documentary stuff and a few of the kids movies) that was really good. The Kings Speech jumps to mind, and that was what, ten years ago? But hey, I can’t wait for Spider-Man vs. Transformers 17 this summer!!!
  9. New dates make much more sense. It's plenty light in the morning now, time to get some light to the end of the day. Pushing it out a week in the fall is immaterial and allows for more daylight on Halloween.
  10. They should get them there too. We need several.
  11. Brown to the Saints would create a huge rooting conflict, but would be the ultimate ‘I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!’ signing.
  12. Nope. The left routinely uses fools like this guy and then discards them when they no longer can serve a purpose. There are a thousand more willing participants to front the next hoax.
  13. I dunno. But I know if he had shot a Democrat, we’d still be hearing about it at least weekly.
  14. She would have to be really awful based on the pictures I’ve seen.
  15. Did you know there was a movie where the Bills backups win the Super Bowl? I think it’s called Second String.
  16. You could order a bottle of wine....apparently he makes some high quality stuff! https://1000corks.com/wine/Seaver-Vineyards
  17. I dunno, but it scares the crap out of me. I want to believe so much that Buffalo finally has a FO smart enough to see through guys like this.
  18. Same here; this is the real start of spring!
  19. Clearly you hate animals and Native Americans!
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