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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. The result of a generation raised on social media and web clickbait in the place of actual news.
  2. I had a feeling GA wouldn’t disappoint. Thats a hell yes just based on the mug shot. I wonder what kind of tutoring the mother assumed her son was getting from the Phys Ed teacher.
  3. I though reading this board was my individual research.
  4. Totally. We need more measured, thoughtful takes, like from those who wanted to fire him last September.
  5. Change that to four months and you have the NBA regular season!
  6. This has been coming for a while. Our single stream recycling bin is disgusting; can’t imagine what it looks like by the time it gets to China and the milk carton is covered in mold. I remember the early days of recycling when you bundled newspapers (now replaced with cardboard thanks to Amazon) and carefully rinsed bottles/cans. Maybe we need to go back to those days instead of thinking we can recycle anything.
  7. A-10 tournament off and running. Go Rhody!
  8. Lets hope Roger doesn’t split hairs over that technically. Breaking a little kids’ arm should = lifetime ban.
  9. Once Alda went from one of the gang to the focal point of the show (and became a platform for his whining) post Trapper/Frank/Henry, it went downhill.
  10. This is the rare case where the media/public reaction is not overstating the scandal. If many people don’t end up in prison over this I’ll be pretty disappointed.
  11. Poor Brian Piccolo....guy has the worst luck.
  12. But if they start 0-1, he still needs to be fired, right?
  13. Rodgers could probably squeeze 800 yards out of him one more time.
  14. Here in the Bay Area we're still debating if he gets a statue alongside Stef, Clay and Draymond. This has to be the least likable 'dynasty' ever.
  15. It seems they all have the same pissed off, thin skinned persona now, more worried about their twitters than anything else. Durant is a huge whiny B word. It's become an unwatchable sport to me these days.
  16. Yeah, and they all grew up together which is one reason why the mob has usually had plenty of room to operate in NYC. SI has always been a major mob residential area.
  17. Of course, Oakland was probably gearing up for some big ‘evil employer’ tax on them.
  18. I bet they are better than that after 7 games. 100 points. Or meadcoin
  19. Vernon had a huge contract and the Giants desperately need help on the OL, so that trade I understand. Much like the Bills did two years ago, the Giants are purging expensive guys who they don't see as being key contributors in two years when they emerge from the rebuild.
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