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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. John is a stand up guy so I'm sure he'll be back. I for one engaged him how he requested so I'll be disappointed if I don't see a thoughtful response. Hopefully he won't get lost in the all the spam from the usual nitwits that most of us have on ignore.
  2. All time hits leader. Amazing ball player and by all accounts a great person. He is already missed.
  3. Some people were really invested in having these guys win an astronomical sum.
  4. We had a deal with her at my former Ed-tech company to give away our service to anyone who bought this book. Our Biz Dev guy was in heaven setting it up! I remember we had a lifesize cardboard cut out of her in the office from the press event. Pretty funny.
  5. 50/50 raffles are easy if you’re doing it in one night. If you’re doing one with fixed # tickets and set prizes, you need to make sure the kids sell all the tickets so that usually happens over a few weeks.
  6. Obviously the politicians don’t give a whit about black people, but sadly and incomprehensibly, this is what they have been able to sell to ordinary people. Now granted I live in the looney capital of the US, but I actually know people bought into this “am I really being not-racist enough” and “how do I deal with my white privilege” nonsense. It’s incredible.
  7. Please do.....I responded exactly as I feel. I don't like him as a person either. He is the very last POTUS in my lifetime I would like to meet or share a meal with. But that is a really, really, bad test for POTUS. We need a strong leader who makes smart decisions and he is doing that. I don't give a ***** what he thinks or twitters about a dead Senator. That has absolutely no bearing on my life or anyone else's. And now compare him to the wack-job alternatives. Warren and her 'reparations' nonsense? Harris, looking to build on Obama's race war strategy for her own benefit? All of them with this 'original sin' concept for white people (is all that privilege making your life cushy these days John?), and this whole undercurrent of 'socialism good, capitalism bad' while we sit here at place of peace and prosperity that is light years beyond what has been achieved anywhere else in the world, ever, is just insanity at a level that is hard to comprehend.
  8. Several things; I'd be interested to know your feelings on them and what alternatives you think he should be pursuing. I also want to know why you think everything is 'overshadowed' (and how much time you spend each day immersed in hype media). -Judicial appointments: Consistently nominated justices (esp BK) who will honor the Constitution over current-day populist whims -Immigration: tackling this head on without the need for PC cover like 98% of politicians. Yes a wall helps. A longer wall will help more. No, $5B isn't going to bankrupt a country that runs $1T deficit every year. Everyone was on board with this during the Bush/Obama years when we built hundreds of miles of fence. Now suddenly extending it is a huge issue? Why? -Trade war: China will push and take forever. If we never stand up to them, it will just get worse and worse for the US. Trade wars hurt, but are absolutely necessary every now and again considering our adversary. -Tax bill: though it hurt me personally, it mirrored principals I have long held about taxes. Lower corporate taxes to match the rest of the world, reduction of illogical Schedule A allowances, maintaining low capital gains. In general, I assign very little credit/blame to a sitting POTUS over economic news, but there's nothing to complain about regarding jobs, wages, etc. Biggest shortcomings: deficit progress and environment.
  9. I fully support an immediate payment of $10 million dollars to every living person who was a slave under the laws of the United States.
  10. The biggest heroes that day were the regular guys who instead of making a dash out of the building, stayed behind to treat the wounded, carry immobile co-workers down 80 flights, and do floor sweeps in ruined, smoke filled offices, all long before the firemen got there.
  11. This. I don’t give a rats ass who twitters what. I didn’t vote for Trump last time around, but I will next year. He’s been far better than I expected.
  12. I have the same mindset. I never turned on the AC when I lived in the east except to cool down the upstairs at night for sleeping. The reason the same temp setting doesn’t work year round is because I dress differently in summer (shorts/tee shirt) and winter (jeans/sweater)
  13. Apparently my grandparents wouldn't speak for days if there was a disagreement over a big hand on duplicate night. My parents also had a bridge group for many years, I still remember the loud voices and overflowing ashtrys the next day! I learned to play when I was about 13. Sadly I think my last rubber was more than 10 years ago!
  14. Not proud, but I have to admit getting a good amount of joy from seeing idiots like you meltdown over him day after day after day. #hillarystillnotpresident
  15. Upsetting? No, things that don't impact on my life are rarely upsetting. But it's objectively stupid. You have a tournament where one group of teams is arbitrarially assigned to play an extra game. In the NFL or MLB byes/WCs are earned based on objective standards. And it was done for two bad reasons a) more TV money and b) every year people whined about some team like Georgia Tech going 19-13 and getting left out. The second one obviously has not changed as someone will always be left out. Why do you think it's great? If it's simply a matter of "more games = better" than why not just put 128 teams in the tournament and start it on Monday? The NCAA tournament is great because you had a completely fair set up....until now.
  16. Yes, the ‘play-in’ games are absurd and cheapens the whole tournament.
  17. Since when do you need an official diamond to play baseball/stickball/wiffleball/etc? We played in the middle of the street as kids. First was the rock in the Holland’s yard, third was the Miller’s mailbox. In college we played in the front yard of the frat house. The homerun fence in left was the roof, so it was close but high, just like Fenway.
  18. The Juice ? I bet I wore my #32 mesh jersey every day the summer I turned 7.
  19. He wasn’t on my list at all. It inspires confidence in the Bills’ FO that he wasn’t on their list either.
  20. I agree with this. The whole ‘the problem is there is a demand’ narrative is nonsense and makes about as much sense as busting users for smoking pot. I guarantee not one guy decided against going to his local Asian Spa because of Kraft’s arrest. Break up the rings and put the guys running the show in prison for 20 years. That’s how you fight human trafficking.
  21. Roid heads unfairly powering their way to a small slam is a travesty.
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