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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You’re letting emotion cloud logic. As someone said above, that’s life in a mid-major, it happens ever year. The reason these guys have to jump is because there’s no assurance they’ll get another shot. What if he stays and UB regresses the next two years? No power conferences will be calling then.
  2. Says one of the guys who was screaming ‘clean house ‘ at halftime of last year’s season opener.
  3. You pretty much nailed it all. Refs will throw even more flags now with replay as their backup. It will take longer. The reviews will be just as capricious as they are for every other play, and they will favor the marquee teams. Replay is the worst decision in NFL history. If I was in charge it would be outlawed forever.
  4. Yes, because replay has consistently done such an outstanding job of making reviewable calls more accurate.
  5. Compared to now when there is NO way to see decent highlights. It absolutely flabbergasts me that anyone thinks having four idiots sitting around jabbering in broken English is a better program than what Berman & Jackson did in the 90s where at least 80% of the screen time was on the highlights. Today that's probably 30%, if that. I turned on the NFL channel one Sunday last year in an attempt to catch some Bills highlights. Watched 90 minutes while they cycled through the same 3 games and the same 4 idiots blathering the same crap over and over and over before they mentioned the Bills.....and then showed two clips. Unreal. On PrimeTime you could actually get a feel for the game they showed so many clips....and from every single game, not just one game picked because of which players twitters were getting the most attention that week. Just another reminder of how sports has been ruined. p.s. thanks for the link....that music is awesome They realized there was more money to be had by trading in hype and lies and picking a political side to shill for 24x7.
  6. You didn't try to extort Nike. Someone else made that happen. Nothing more enjoyable than watching a corrupt, leftist POS going down in flames. Love how this one is making enemies all the way down.
  7. It's the place where the pilot sits but that's not important right now!
  8. People really working OT on the bad ideas lately. This one is even worse than '4th and 15 after a TD'.
  9. I liked Ivory too, but I'm not sure keeping him was the solution for an ancient backfield. McCoy/Gore/rookie and one of the other guys sounds just fine.
  10. Now that Creepy Porn Extortionist is out, there is an opening....
  11. But that's not really the point. Based on the facts, it should take a jury about 20 minutes to convict him as he's clearly guilty of the charges. Of course it's not really a big deal if this particular idiot is punished or not, but it is kind of a big deal that powerful underlying forces worked to push a false narrative in this case for their own benefit and once uncovered, were able to successfully sweep it under the rug.
  12. What, you really thought this wasn't going to happen? That there wasn't crazy pressure on the prosecutor from and via Rahm from every person who is invested in the phony-racial strife industry? I wouldn't be surprised if The Messiah himself didn't lob in a phone call seeking this resolution. The cops usually have strength to say "***** you" and do their own thing. Prosecutors are just pawns of the politicians.
  13. I rarely watch the cable propaganda networks, but Tucker Carlson is just hilarious tonight.
  14. Yup, my sister knew him. Guy was a neurologist of some type, founded an org to study links between people who are bat-**** crazy and violence after the shooting. It sounds like no one saw it coming, but he’s probably far from the only parent of those kids who’s fought the same impulses.
  15. Nooooooooo!!!!!! Winning the offseason is right up there with SI and Madden covers for jinxes. Annoint Cleveland!
  16. Only if you're eating a candy bar. But since it's a story about bridge, they really should have used 'kibitz'.
  17. They hold the doors for you here in SF!
  18. My wife refused to touch anything on the subway, to point she’d lose her balance as the train lurched around corners. One time she ended up right on her ass. I laughed my ass right off!
  19. Hang on, you’re telling me that if I touch something after 800 other random people have touched it I might pick up some yucky germs? Next thing you know, they’ll find the seats on the bus, escalator railings and bathroom door handles at work have poo germs too!
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