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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yeah...saw that too. You'd think a kid who grew up in hockey would have known better than to pick a fight with Ovi, but must have thought he wouldn't fight. Apparently:
  2. An agreement?? Riiiight. I'm sure he was fully compensating them for storage and delivering his belongings, just like he had fully compensated them for staying in their house. The 'story' was nothing more than a recap of the loser's lawyer's laughably absurd accusations.
  3. That was a beating....you never see guys stay down like that after a fight. Nothing wrong there...they were both jabbing, Ovi clearly asked if he wanted to go and clearly got a 'yes'.
  4. As sad as this is, big tragic events is what opens pocketbooks. I bet they raise 10x what they were asking for the renovations.
  5. Property that he left in their house after he moved out?
  6. Blue moon you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own
  7. This. The most stunning thing Sunday was watching his demeanor. He was stoic throughout, no emotional highs and low as was his calling card for years. And yes, seeing how he was embraced by his competitors, including guys who had just walked off the course ahead of him, was telling. Always been a fan, never cared in the least that he choose to bang lots of chicks. Very happy to see him win again.
  8. Let me go on like I Blister in the sun Let me go on Big hands, I know you're the one
  9. But not nearly as much as Calvin Schiraldi. Sending him to the Sox was the best trade in Mets history. You weren’t going to watch the 11th inning?
  10. Laughing just thinking about that episode. Sounds to me like fair compensation for a 60 year old to spend an evening with her.
  11. MEET THE METS,MEET THE METS,Step right up and greet the Mets!Bring your kiddies,bring your wife;Guaranteed to have the time of your lifebecause the Mets are really sockin' the ball; knocking those home runs over the wall!East side,West side,everybody's coming downto meet the M-E-T-S Mets of New York town!
  12. Yup, Palmer early in his career and Watson late were far more beloved during their playing days. But people appreciate greatness and come to love those that have it once they begin to fade. Winning at 46 probably brought Jack more fans than he ever had. But it’s Watson who nearly had a win that would have beaten Jack/Tigers combined in The 2009 Open. That approach on 18 was one hop too long or he wins at age 59. Even in losing that’s one of most incredible feats ever.
  13. I went to a golf auctions with a bunch of country club investment bankers one time....you bid cash from your pool on groups of players. Tiger of course was his own group!
  14. Lotta people danced on his grave when he was ranked 700th or whatever a couple years ago.
  15. What a fantastic last round......there were what, 5 tied and 8 within a stroke at one point? And then to watch them fall apart under the pressure one by one, all except Tiger. Congrats to him, great moment in golf history.
  16. Woah! And I'll be surprised if Koepka isn't right there late.
  17. I'll never be your beast of burden.
  18. Nope, at at the moment. Tiger not putting his irons where he needs to and not getting the big putts these last few holes.
  19. Girl, you know it's... Girl, you know it's... Girl, you know it's... Girl, you know it's... Girl, you know it's... Girl, you know it's...
  20. Well geez....if you have the wife who's traveling AND bring home cash you've got nothing to complain about!
  21. We’ve got tonight, why don’t you stay?
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