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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I don't fully disagree with that (especially the ego part and how that impact relations with other leaders), but I can't get on board with the 'he's too derisive' reasoning for one simple 'Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten' fact: he didn't start it. He was mocked and derided politically from Day 1 of his campaign (actually for two years prior to that), and then when he won -- by a wide margin -- his opponents went bat schitt crazy with the 'Not My President' and 'Resist' and 'Outlaw the Electoral College' nonsense for no reason other than they were sore losers. And I don't buy the excuse it was just because Trump was that horrible because they did the same thing when Bush won, and I'd bet my children they'll do it again the next time a Republican is elected. Remember the thousands of 'Not my President' nuts protesting after Clinton and Obama won? Me neither. Those same nuts are now shaping the media narrative and several have declared for President. You can't possibly want any of them over Trump, and you can't possibly envision a realistic scenario where another Republican take the nomination from Trump and wins the General. So what's been so awful? Yeah he's a complete a-hole and last guy I'd ever want to have dinner with, but I just don't see why he needs to go at all costs.
  2. Really? Twitters aside, has the sky really fallen as was widely assumed? Has he been worse than any of his 3 predecessors? I am legitimately interested in Trump opinions from those who have not been under full TDS the last four years.
  3. I wonder what the over/under is on number of states where she deserves to be in prison (aside from all the federal crimes).
  4. Of course it doesn’t matter whose recording of God Bless America is played, and of course ‘***** the Flyers’ applies in all possible situations, but the underlying issue is the desire to rewrite/whitewash history based on the whims of a vocal, powerful minority. And even worse, it’s portrayed as some type of ‘progress’. Progress towards what? Well, apparently toward a recording of history that only includes the narrative which the vocal, powerful minority wants you to know about. Those who exert that type of influence don’t have a real great track record throughout history.
  5. Guess it's time to ban reruns of The Honeymooners, right SJWs? p.s. "Dark-ies" is word filtered?
  6. Hillary 2020: “It’s NOT the economy, stupid.”
  7. It stops when people stop voting for the politicians who quietly support/enable/bring pressure for this type of nonsense.
  8. So why don't we dump 'em people To the bottom of the sea Before some ol' fool come around here Wanna shoot either you or me
  9. Yes it is, so fine him the appropriate sum and move on. Don't blow it up into a bigger thing than it is.
  10. Woke up, fell out of bedDragged a comb across my headFound my way downstairs and drank a cupAnd looking up I noticed I was lateFound my coat and grabbed my hatMade the bus in seconds flatMade my way upstairs and had a smokeAnd everybody spoke and I went into a dream
  11. What's the story on energy consumption/environmental impact from bitcoin mining? I've only read enough to be what I presume is badly uninformed.
  12. I doubt that, but donations to a qualifying charity that provides benefits to foreign recipients may be.
  13. Because by ignoring the fact the Bills will play in the single biggest TV game of the season, and instead focusing on the strict definition of 'Primetime', it allows us to keep whining about Buffalo being disrespected!
  14. And the 'fight human trafficking by publicly shaming johns' strategy is about as effective as 'stop drug dealers by putting users in jail'. I wonder how many future sex workers were in that migrant caravan so many where desperate to see let into the US.
  15. Who cares? It amazes me how many threads are created about this cheap-shot a--hole who played for NE.
  16. Yup. As much fun as this was for Pats* haters, this has been nothing more than grandstanding at Kraft's expense. I'm sure cops, FBI and DAs would be shocked -- SHOCKED!! -- to discover guys getting handjobs at every local Asian Dawn spa across the country. It's so open in NYC there was a webpage with descriptions and rankings of all the big rub 'n tug joints.
  17. If it was at someone good and at someone on the west coast, I'd agree. But two games close to home, in the same stadium, against non-playoff teams is about as gentle a start as you can ask for. I'd rather save the home games for later in the year. Thanksgiving is already my favorite holiday.....I can't wait for that game.
  18. We'll prove it all night Prove it all night Girl I'll prove it all night for your love
  19. Snopes is another joke....just another knee jerk TDS outlet. "Quick!!! Must protect AOC's reputation!!!"
  20. 3 winnable games right out of the gate, likely critical game v Ravens at home, easy travel schedule, Thanksgiving game.....great schedule. If you find a need to complain about this schedule, you are just someone who needs to complain.
  21. And he abandoned his property. I’m not following your logic that a parent and/or landlord has an obligation to store someone’s crap after the person moves out. Quite obviously there was no ‘agreement’ to store this property. Doesn’t matter if it’s porn, guns or Cheetos.
  22. Geez....they couldn’t find the fire after the first alarm? Makes you wonder how much difference it would have made if they responded 20 minutes earlier. Probably a lot.
  23. Isn’t that still the Yankees? They seem to have home games in Tampa all the time.
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