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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I would be furious if the Bills traded away a future #1 under any circumstances.
  2. Same here. Announcers talked him up endlessly but I never saw a guy who stood out.
  3. For Earth Day my office ordered a vegan lunch. I went out and got a meatball sub.
  4. That and it's been at least 10 years since there were any Bills worth having on my roster! Except -- as Paulus points out -- the kicker. Always grab a kicker from a team that can't put the ball in the end zone. And unless you start 2 QBs, neither of those two is worth a keeper.
  5. Florida huh? Never would of guessed that!
  6. That one and MadMen are two I caught right from the start so was locked in from beginning to end. GoT might be wonderful too, but I'll never know for sure. That's ok.....I didn't get to bang every hot girl on earth either.
  7. Here. Didn't know about it until I was a couple season old and by then seemed to be too much effort to catch up. Same thing happened with The Wire.
  8. It'll be years before he and the other lefty nuts undo all the progress made under Rudy and Bloomy and run NYC back into the ground.
  9. Is training camp here already? Someone remind me who they drafted. April was so long ago.
  10. Yup. RBs are more likely than most positions to be pro ready right off the bat, so I’m guessing they wait till next year’s draft and target one on day 2 rather than picking one now to red shirt. I think TJY is a solid pick up.
  11. Why? He’s not going to get them a high pick, they don’t need the cap space, can still be a top runner, and isn’t his contract up this year?
  12. ‘Hearing it’ from other talking heads who also have no information but need to constantly be saying something. Media in the 21st century.
  13. Sounds like an excellent result on the surgery but strong possibility they are not out of the woods just yet. Hope for continued good news for them.
  14. We're gonna break out the hats and hooters When josie comes home We're gonna rev up the motor scooters When josie comes home to stay We're gonna park in the street Sleep on the beach and make it Throw down the jam till the girls say when Lay down the law and break it When josie comes home
  15. Translation: I pretend we still live in the Dark Ages to justify devoting my life to making wild accusations of perceived racism around every corner.
  16. This is mostly true....you didn't see anyone fired up about her. People were fired up about Slick Willy. Obama. Bernie. Hitlery? No, not even a little. Other than the standard yellow dog block she got a small group who was horrified by Trump. That's it. That's "What Happened". Likewise, no one is fired up by Pocohantes. Bernie? Yes. Mayor Pete? Probably. Cammie? Doubtful. But not Pocohantes. She's an amateur, whinier version of Hillary.
  17. It's definitely taken a little getting used to my wife's Middle Eastern hand on the exotic spices after a childhood of Mom's very solid but mid-western and budget conscious cooking!
  18. It's a very good example, just not a particularly important one. But that's not a good reason to dismiss it.
  19. Yep. Anyone who hires/manages/fires people at work knows that you frequently get someone a lot different from what was advertised on the resume and job interview. We hired an HR Director 18 months ago who looked and sounded great....she turned out to be completely useless, the most do-nothing person I’ve ever worked with. Never lobbied so hard to have someone fired. Bills equivalent draft pick: Aaron Maybin. Conversely, at my last company we hired a guy with terrible experience; two of us just had a feeling he was someone who needed the right opportunity. He flourished. Bills equivalent draft pick: Stevie Johnson
  20. Nice! That was more my Grandmother’s era, but even in those days our family has never been much on the heavy ethnic or religious symbols. We took our cues from the English.
  21. We'll be at my Aunt/Uncles but presume it'll be Leg of Lamb (of God). Some year we'll need to host again so I can butterfly grill it. Good enough to rise from the dead for.
  22. Cause they don't let 'em set up tent cities in Kentfield.
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