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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. He is the absolute worst. Yet another reason to buy the Post instead of the Daily News.
  2. Hospices are a Godsend when dealing with the final days, but ironically are being closed under budget pressures. Ironic because the law and most in the medical community still seem so opposed to any sensible end of life management that could eliminate people lingering in Hospice for weeks or months. However, slow progress is being made, starting with statutes in several blue states effective this year. My sister has testified on behalf of one working its way through the process in CT. Any true conservative or libertarian (or liberal for that matter) should be fully behind the 'death with dignity' movement. I had one doctor talking to me about 'treatment' four days before my Dad died. I wanted to say "WTF is wrong with you? I was afraid he was going to die before my Mother got here this morning!" They moved him to Hospice the next day.
  3. I like this list a lot and would be happy with any of these guys. Just like last night.....don't panic. There will be a very good player available at #8.
  4. They have indeed. Both the guys you mentioned above were terrors with the Jets. But they had lots of issues too, off-field, contract, etc. Glad they both left! Geez...I didn't realize Cleveland has Richardson too! Talk about putting all the difficult eggs in one basket. They are either going to the Super Bowl or will be the most enjoyable implosion in recent history.
  5. This. If he can't control weight it also means he's not dedicated/hard worker. And that's not suddenly going to start happening after he gets a million dollars.
  6. It somehow always makes me even more relieved when these guys pumped up pre-draft by their fan club ends up dropping dozens of picks from where people wanted the Bills to take him.
  7. No actually, in our case the Hospice was wonderful, people could not have been more compassionate and caring. They did everything they could. But they don't write the laws --- the problem is our county's lack of respect for individual's right to decide how and when to die when facing terminal diseases. Easy issue to ignore until you have to deal with it and see the effects. Hopefully, Pancho and his family will be spared him lingering for weeks/months while the disease ravages his body.
  8. Man, you must have gone apoplectic back when teams got 15 minutes a pick!
  9. Naah....why do that when they no doubt gave you the option to starve her to death?
  10. Another new rule....if you have back to back picks you only get one time slot? Maybe they should just make them do it on Yahoo and give them 90 seconds to pick.
  11. Seriously......WTF was that whole thing? And showing the video...what was the point of that??
  12. They said something about next year's first but I didn't catch the whole comment.
  13. ESPN all lined up for a long commercial break as soon as the Bills go on the clock!
  14. Good God yes. If Allen is still there they should sprint to the podium.
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