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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. I am a Republican who is extremely disappointed with the way that this administration squandered all the goodwill that existed throughout the world after 9/11 and that insisted on taking our eye off the ball to fight an optional war to accomplish goals of some people that were unrelated to 9/11.




    You know, I thought that way for a while too, but I don't really buy the "squandered goodwill" line anymore. Goodwill eventually gets amortized off the books no matter what. Fact is, the shock of 9-11 wore off. I walk by Ground Zero every day and it is still very palpable at that spot, but nothing compared to the first year after the attack. Outside of NYC and DC, I think much of the country has put it further back in memory, and outside of the US further still.


    I don't believe that any sympathy from our adversaries around the globe was going to last more than a few weeks or month no matter who was President or what he did. Ditto for our pseudo-allies in continental Europe. Time goes by, other tragedies happen, people forget, other people/countries have their own agendas to get back to.


    BTW, this is not to say that Bush has done everything right since 9-11....far from it.

  2. One guy volunteered to go to Vietnam and for one of the most dangerous things that you could do there.


    The other guy didn't, but finds it easy to send other people's kids to die.


    It is relevant. The history of both these guys up until the election also is relevant.





    And I'm sure that is exactly what you were saying in 1992 and 1996 :D



    You know what, it does have SOME importance....it does say something about the character of the men in question. However, it should be about tenth on the list of most important things, not first.

  3. This forum has turned into a right wing/conservative radio talk show in words.

    Anyone who disagrees is insulted and shot down, there is no debate, I'd say most of your friends from the left, left because it's become a bore.




    Much like the candidate himself, I'm still waiting for the Kerry supporters to articulate what exactly they like about his Senate record and what plans he has (if he has any) for the Presidency. But I understand if it's easier to cry about what the opposition is saying (again, very much in line with Kerry himself) rather than defend your positions.

  4. Maybe she was?  Then again in the absence of such signals?...Hmmm... I think it is called COURTESY that you stop.


    You'd think the police would practice the procedures they try to get others to adhere to...


    :doh:  :lol:





    I doubt it. In fact, I doubt the entire account, as provided by our radical friend slothrop. I just thought daninator made an excellent point! :P

  5. I posted on a Grateful Dead web board, FULL of extreme leftists to please "Be Cool" if they were coming to NYC, pointing out specifically all the thrats of violence..


    The overall reaction I got was that the GOP "will get what it deserves".


    So much for PEACE, huh?




    I love it....the GOP will get what it deserves huh? Too bad that 80% of the people who were harrassed and delayed by the naked scumbags who were blocking traffic near MSG yesterday while whining about AIDS are Democrats. Typical leftist morons.

  6. Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick.....you've GOT to be fuggin joking. How the hell does this nonsense become news??? :doh:


    It's a silly little plastic toy folks. It doesn't look like airliners Rosening into skyscrapers. I can not believe how pathetically hyper-sensitive people have become in this day and age. What's next? Do we need to change the emergency phone number because people will be offended by "9-1-1"??


    Good grief!!

  7. The Jets beat the Giants tonight ,  Kurt Warner looked good, Eli Manning was 4 - 14 with two int and a fumble passed for 20 yards


    Jets and Giants




    Well, it wasn't entirely his fault. On the play that his fumble was returned for a TD, the Giant LT was literally knocked on his ass as the Jets RE went straight to Eli and made the hit as he was trying to throw.


    The Giants are not a good team.

  8. Taxes are a burden that has to be carried.  Some people are bigger and stronger than others and can carry more weight than those who are smaller and weaker.  Lets say you have 10 people and a tax burden of 100 pounds to be carried by them.  An equal distribution, equal not fair, would be 10 pounds each.  However, if 5 of them can carry 15 pounds just as easily as the other 5 carries 5 pounds, wouldn't a "fair" distribution be 15 pounds for the stronger 5 and 5 pounds each for the weaker 5?


    What is actually done with that tax money in terms of government expenditures is a different issue from distribution of the tax burden.





    We already do that Mickey....that's why we tax a PERCENTAGE of income. If we had a TRUE fair and equal tax, each individual would be responsible for $XXXX (total federal budget / 280,000,000). It's pretty easy to defend why each individual should contribute an equal dollar amount to highways and nat'l security, etc. But since we allow for your "burden" theory, we decide to take a percentage of each person's earnings; thus, someone earning ten times more than you pays ten times more taxes. Of course, that isn't good enough for you, so we have to put in discriminatory rates so that someone who makes ten times more than you pays twenty times as much in taxes. And you STILL complain that it isn't 'fair' enough.


    Your analogy is very nice, but what happens when someone decides they don't want to carry ANY of the weight? What happens when HALF the people decide they don't want to carry any of the weight? That is exactly what has happened in this country, with a tiny segment of the population carrying almost the entire load.

  9. Why not just get rid of all deductions of every kind and retain the progressive system? Getting rid of deductions would mean increased revenues so the rates themselves could be lowered. All sources of income should be taxed at the same rate so that investment income is not favored over wage income. That would also lead to lower, albeit still progressive, tax rates. There are better ways to resolve the problems of our tax code than a sales tax.




    No deductions and keep discriminatory rates??? That is simply absurd. If you want to eliminate deductions and have a single flat rate for EVERYBODY, that might be reasonable.

  10. I haven't seen this talked about on here and just wondered what everyone thought.


    I will hold off on my views for a little bit.Fair tax?





    There isn't any question that consumption based taxes is the only "fair" way to tax people. How the hell did we ever come up with the concept of taxing people for EARNING money? Punishing people for working? Worst idea in US history.

  11. In his statement to police, Huffman said he has symptoms of a condition called Irritable Bowl Syndrome and used "at most" a fifth of a roll of toilet paper.





    Whoa....a FIFTH of a roll of TP?!?!?!?!? Did they also take him to the emergency room since he must have been hemorrhaging from his ass????

  12. By Craige McMillan, a commentator for WorldNetDaily.


    Lately I've been wondering how stories we read in "Big Media" would be different if 90-plus percent of reporters and editors were Republicans – not Democrats. Here's how I think the swiftboat-vets story might read.





    If that were the case, maybe we'd be focusing in on other stories entirely, like how we were sold out by our allies in the UN Oil for Food scandal that has been all but ignored and why the former national security advisor stole documents from the National Archieves. (Can you even begin to imagine the level of coverage in the NY Times had Brent Scowcroft been the one stealing docs? They would have needed an extra section of the paper! It would have been kinda like the Global Crossing/Enron comparisson)

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