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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Whoa !!!!  Now you guys are beging to scare me; she is only 14 !!!  Let's stick to important topics such as football, food, golf, cars, infidelity, or various mental health issues.

            I left the summer of 1977 to go to school  in San Diego with all the best intentions of returning to my homeland.  I changed my mind after the first winter here; called my parents and told them to sell my studded snow tires; I wasn't coming back  !!!

      That is about the only intimate secret you are going to get from me; at least for now.




    Infidelity?? Sounds like someone has a story to share!


    btw, ever meet Fabio?



    Every mornin' on the Hill you could see him arrive

    Standing six-foot-four, weighing one-twenty-five

    Kinda' scrawny at the shoulders and lacking a spine

    And when he spoke at all, it was mainly to whine.


    (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John


    Nobody seems to know what's in John's soul

    His 'beliefs' are based on the latest poll

    Though he'll say what it takes to get your votes

    It's the leftist agenda that he really promotes


    Big John


    Some one said he came from Boston town

    Where he joined the Navy and gained renown

    'Earning' three purple hearts and one bronze star

    The home folks said, "This boy will go far"


    (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)



    Then came a day back in '71

    When he renounced all the medals that he had won

    Then turned against his country and his Navy friends

    And sold them out for his own selfish ends


    (Big John)



    He appeared before Congress and on left-wing talk shows

    Giving aid and comfort to America's foes

    It was clear to see whose side he was on

    Some say he helped cause the fall of Saigon


    Big John. (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John).



    He claims to be for the working poor

    Yet he owns 5 mansions from shore to shore

    He never had to work a day in his life

    'Cause he learned it helps to have a wealthy wife!


    Big John



    Now he wants to be our next President

    and Commander-in-chief of those he resents:

    The American soldiers who fight and die

    To give him the freedom to tell us his lies


    (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)



    Thousands have sacrificed their young lives

    To help ensure that our nation survives

    A vote for Kerry is a slap in the face

    To all the brave soldiers that he's disgraced


    (Big John, Big John) Big Bad John (Big John)

  3. I used to use paypal but I haven't for a long time.


    I went to deposit money via credit card like I did last time and I can not see a way to do so.  It appears that the only way to do it is to link my bank account to PayPal and that is not happening - a thief could drain my bank account without normal bank protection


    Is that the only way other than selling something and getting credit?




    I've only given them my CC #. I'd never give bank account info over the web (or any other way). They keep telling me my accounting isn't 'registered' or something, but that doesn't seem to stop my from making payments for ebay and stuff.


    So I certainly am happy to root for the team or an athlete from another country.  This is particularly true if I view the US athlete as a jerk.  I rooted for Borg over McEnroe before and would do it again.




    Whoa...I thought we were just talking about teams, not individuals. When it comes to golf or tennis, absolutely not. I root for the person I like, regardless of country.

  5. and by the way, the show was about a family of 8 children, who, within a month's time lost both of their parents. The two oldest took on all responsibility with house payments, caregving, etc... ABC hooked them up...  that's all.






    So in other words, it's 'Party of Five' only the network is making more money. "Reality" shows...ugh. I prefer to go live my own reality rather than watch someone else live theirs.

  6. Griffin will be the choice when the season starts.  The rea; question isn't about Mike Anderson, it is Tatum Bell.  He is who may be the guy who steals the starting job from Griffin. 


    I think Griffin is a solid #3 RB.




    I managed to get both Griffin and Bell in one of my drafts with mid/late round picks. I've read that Bell could very likely be the starter by mid season.

  7. If all the votes are counted and no one is trying to strong-arm black voters out of the democratic process, it shouldn't be a problem either way.


    But I think all sides should be concerned about the electronic voting machines.




    Ahh yes....the old "white GOP thugs contolling the polls in black neighborhoods where virtually every elected rep and election official is a Dem" story. That makes a ton of sense. Cause you know, white guys walking around in black neighborhoods are always intimidating the locals :unsure:


    If I send you a dollar, will you buy yourself a clue?

  8. No flip-flop here.  Merely the tried-and-true Bush - Rove tactic called LOWERING THE BAR.  Make the bar so low that any small success enables him to claim victory.


    It worked great in TX schools.  Test scores too low?  Simple answer, dumb down the tests and lower the passing scores and VOILA! Instant geniuses (until the SAT comes along).




    Well they still won't have to worry, because they'll also have libs dumbing down the SATs in the name of 'cultural bias'.

  9. No... what i was saying is that since we do not have a #1 pick next year, our #2 becomes our #1. So, we dont have the luxery of trading the #2 pick like would would if we still had a first rounder.


    Second of all, I honestly dont understand why everyone thinks looky at Quincy is such an awful idea. If it was logistically probable, I would say he is the best man available.




    But, we already have a guy who is our next QB...just traded a #1 and more for him. So all we need is a short term backup who probably will never see a snap. I wouldn't trade ANY draft pick for that, especially when we can pick up someone who is probably just as good on the open market.

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