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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Pssst!




    Doesn't the captain go down with the ship?  GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.






    Geez Ex, usually you have something a little more intelligent to add. Trying to make up for the absense of LGB or blzrul???

  2. The defense played well for the Irish.  I do agree with you about the offense.  Last year was supposed to be a "growing" year for the O-line and Quinn.  How many more of these games before the ND alumni call for Ty's head.




    Year 3 is supposed to be championship year for coaches at ND (Ara, Frank, Dan, Lou...). Ok....not that anyone expected that, but the offense has been horrible ever since Ty got here. I love his style and enthusiam (such an improvement over Bob Davies), but I really have to question the coaching philosophy at this point. If you recall, when the Irish started 8-0 in his first year, it really masked a weak offense. That team won several of those games on defense and special teams...they had an amazing run of huge plays on defense during that season. Since that run, they are 7-11 and that ain't gonna get it done.


    I hate to start the panic after week one, but after seeing the BYU game, I have a hard time beleiving the Irish can even be competitive with Michigan, Purdue, USC, Tennessee and Washington.

  3. I've been a believer so far, but this 'West Coast Offense' looked pretty damn offensive the other night. Eleven yards rushing is not exactly ND football! I expected the O-line to play much better....last year was supposed to be the learning and growing year. "The Mighty" Quinn had no chance to do anything. :rolleyes:


    If we can't beat BYU, I really don't think I want to watch the Michigan game.

  4. Before long, he's going to hope that the alligators that he is hanging over can jump high enough to get him.




    Oh yeah, thanks.....I forgot about the alligators. Clearly we'll have him eaten alive at the end.....someone please bring the audio equipment so we can amplify his screams and they can play back at him while he dies.


    IMO, there is absolutely no punishment that should be off limits for people who abduct/abuse/etc. children

  5. Yeah, hang him......by his ankles, upside down. Cut off his finger tips so he bleeds out slowly through them.


    While that's happening, set various parts of his body on fire for a few minutes at a time....just long enough to sear off all the skin...


    Also set up a video/TV so he can watch it all for himself...



    ...and don't forget the mental aspect of explaining in detail what is going to happen to him before it is done.

  6. Damn...tell me this is your first time in a fantasy league.....One legitimate star who by the way is coing to a new conference and team....two VERY unproven backs in Barlow and Westbrook and a bag of inexperience at WR with the exception being Plexi-glass....good luck...your gonna need it...Git er Done!


    my team I start a 4 wide offense (starters in bold)


    QB:Steve Mcnair, Brad Johnson, David Carr

    RB: Priest Holmes, Travis Minor

    WR: Lovarnous Coles, Santana Moss, Andre Johnson, Donte Stallworth, Marty Booker, Keenan McCardell, Tim Brown

    TE: Antonio Gates

    PK: Aaron Elling

    D: Dallas D






    Good starting team (I love Andre Johnson) but you have zero insurance if Holmes goes down. Minor will be in a RBBC.

  7. do you people know how to read...I only start ONE WR....chances are one of those guys will produce....




    I think your RBs are fine. Not sure why people are bashing Westbrook and Barlow. These are solid guys who are the featured backs on their teams. But clearly you drafted way too many WRs if you are running the bone. You should have been drafting guys like Julius Jones, Steven Jackson, Tatum Bell etc. in those middle/late round instead of stocking up on rookie WRs. If any of your backs go down (Westbrook is the biggest concern), you'll be in trouble.

  8. I see, so you are assuming that we have had huge wins that we just don't know about for one reason or another?  "Probably because..."  Wouldn't the simple answer be because there just haven't been that many?


    Yes, that would be a very simple answer. The fight against terrorists is a war fought in the shadows. The Pentagon is not going to issue body count estimates for the enemy. I can't believe that just becasue you don't see it on the 6:00 news you take the opinion that it doesn't exist. And I certainly question whether you would take that position if Kerry, Clinton or Gore lived at 1600 Penn Ave.

  9. :)  :)  :(  :lol:  :lol:  Anyone else see the folly in the assumption underlying this statement?




    I was just about to reply to him on that exact point....shoulda figured you or Darin would beat me to it. The irony is amazing....the very existance of this list contradicts his whole point. Terrorist 'wins' are not well covered by the American media? :flirt: Yeah....right. There is not a single event on that list that I hadn't heard about before.


    Conversely, with the exception of the handful of arrests of top AQ boys, we've heard little on the other wins, particularly in Afghanistan, probably because they entail bombing the stevestojan out of some cave and burying scores of these bastards alive. That probably won't fit in with the proposed 'compassionate war on teror'.

  10. Not bad, but you are precarious at RB. Griffin MIGHT be good, but he's still an unknown. A lot of people think Tatum Bell will eventually be the starter. Also, Faulk is an injury risk, so if no one drafted Steven Jackson, you really should pick him up for insurance. Bennett could be very good, but he's already injured and could lose TDs to the other backs in Minnesota.


    Excellent WRs and other positions look ok. Good luck.

  11. 12 TEAM LEAGUE



    Ahman Green

    Fred Taylor

    Travis Henry

    Tiki Barber



    I continue to be amazed at the draft results that people post. How on earth could you get four feature backs (plus Vick) in a 12 team leauge?? Who was being drafted in the second and third rounds?? There must be teams that don't have any decent RBs at all. (Wait a couple weeks and trade TH to one of them for a stud WR). Maybe there is some wacky scoring system in your leauge, but it's still hard to imagine.


    Obviously you are in great shape; well done.

  12. Help me with some of my international business case ?


    Thank you


    What are the problems/troubles that Microsoft experienced in China?


    1 How important is china to microsofts long term future?




    If I recall, one of the big problems is China's lax enforcement of int'l copyright law. Bootlegged Music, Movie and yes, Windows, are all easily available in China while the gov't looks the other way.


    You'll have to do some research on the details. Good luck!



    p.s. considering the growth potential of China, I'd say it is an enormously important market for MS and every other major global company.

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