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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Fred Taylor versus Buffalo

    Deshawn Foster versus Green Bay

    William Green(Lee Suggs is doubtfull) versus Baltimore




    Definitely Taylor...not even a debate.


    Don't even consider Foster, he's not the starter! He'll get about 5 carries.


    Green is a good option for #2 back or flex player this week since Suggs is doubtful.

  2. Average at best.


    You guys would hump a fire plug !


    As far as woman--- now take that 50 year old woman in the Bow Flex adds. Now that is a fine looking woman and if you haven't seen her you are missing  one hell of a wet dream.  :pirate:  :w00t:  :)




    Average for a Playboy model, yeah. She's got a fantastic bod.

  3. Certainly there is a group of people that would take any job available if they were facing life on the street, but it's probably more a function of the economic climate at that particular point in time. No one is going to stay picking lettuce if they can find something better, so when the economy is going good, they'd probably have to revert to the illegals to get that work done.


    Reminds me of the scene at the end of one of M. Moore's films where he is invited in by the head of Nike. They have this exchange where Moore wants him to put a sneaker factory in Michigan and the Nike chief flaty refuses saying 'Americans won't make shoes'.

  4. What a complete joke... for some reason, people automatically assume that just because you are bad with your own money means that you are incompetent.




    Well, 'bad with money' covers a lot of ground. Running up credit cards that you have no ability to pay off is not 'bad with money' IMO. It's being an idiot and I think it does mean one is incompetent (or at least completely irresponsible).


    I think of 'bad with money' as not properly handling investments and retirement, etc. which does take a certain level of intelligence and education.

  5. That is just plain stupid


    I think you left out:


    They also say they'd give up terrorizing people too.


    Or vote for Bush:


    So we can have something to fight against.







    This whole thread is just plain stupid. I don't really care what whiny Euro-socialists think. They hated Reagan too because they were too stupid to understand that he was busy removing the Soviet threat from their front door step.


    Gee, someday the UN will pick our President and all the lefties will be sooooo happy!

  6. COBRA cost is what the direct cost is to the company for each employee.  In a large company the cost would be cheaper as they would probably have worked out a better deal.  I have heard from friends who have had to use cobra, and seen it over $400 per month for an individual and another from a huge company who got it for about $150 month. 


    It really depends.




    It also depends on the level of coverage. Most companies, except the very small, give you options for the level of coverage you want, in-network v. out of network access, etc. which all impact cost.


    If he's 19, it shouldn't cost a ton of money to obtain castostrophic coverage (ie., he gets hit by a car and goes in a coma or gets cancer he is covered), which is all most 19 yos really need (how often is he going to a doctor's office?)


    One of the problems with healthcare in this country is that everyone wants to run to the doctor everytime they get a friggin head cold instead of staying in bed for a couple of days, drinking lots of fluids and taking some Nyquil if you can't get yourself to sleep.

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