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KD in CA

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Posts posted by KD in CA

  1. Dedicated to ALGORE...a little Talking Heads:



    I can't seem to face up to the facts

    I'm tense and nervous and I

    Can't relax

    I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire

    Don't touch me I'm a real live wire


    Psycho Killer

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away

    Psycho Killer

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away


    You start a conversation you can't even finish it.

    You're talkin' a lot, but you're not sayin' anything.

    When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.

    Say something once, why say it again?


    Psycho Killer,

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away

    Psycho Killer

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away


    Ce que j'ai fais, ce soir la

    Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir la

    Realisant mon espoir

    Je me lance, vers la gloire ... OK

    We are vain and we are blind

    I hate people when they're not polite


    Psycho Killer,

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away

    Psycho Killer,

    Qu'est-ce que c'est

    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

    Run run run run run run run away


    oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh....

  2. I don't know many people who'd let others know that they were carrying in such an overt manner on an airplane.  I guarantee you if I were on that plane armed with nothing more than my standard carry weapon, that'd have been a very short skirmish.




    Yeah, but how many holes would you have put in the fuselage while killing the bad guys? :devil:



    I'm no aerospace engineer, but I'd presume you'd need a whole bunch of bullet holes before a 767 come tumbling out of the sky.

  3. If only we could take them on planes and walk down the street with them . . . we would have real freedom.


    Sarcasm off.


    Alaska Darin, are you in favor of any kind of gun control?





    If I'm not mistaken, you CAN walk down the street with a gun in many states. And while guns on planes would obviously have some drawbacks, there wouldn't have been any 9-11 attacks if half the passengers had been packing heat.

  4. For the 1st time in two years... I saw Notre Dame's offense show sign of life.  There star receiver McKnight didn't do much.  The big surprise was the freshman Darius Walker.  Not a heisman candidate (yet), but he got the job done.




    Yes, Walker did look pretty good and the O-line had a better day than v. BYU. Hopefully signs of good things to come!

  5. I'd probably take Carr and drop Bledsoe. You might also take Emmitt and drop Evans -- usually not much need for a 5th WR and there are better choices in free agency anyway. No need for more than 2 TEs or one K or D; you can pick up whoever is available on bye weeks and drop your worst WR or backup QB for the week. It looks like there is a decent amount of talent available.

  6. None of the above. You forgot some options:


    -MM for not kicking the FG

    -Whoevers job it was to make sure the Jags best WR was double covered on 4 and 14 (oops)

    -Eric Moulds for forgetting how to hold onto a football at the ten yard line

    -Bledsoe for failing to throw the ball to the wide open guy he was starting at.

    -Any one of the 47 defensive backs surrounding the guy who caught the winning TD who could have knocked the ball away.

    -Having a kicker who apparently can't kick a FG longer than 40 yards (this is really a 'worst call of 2004')

  7. Hopeless, no.  But by the same token, because I lost the lottery last week, doesnt mean its hopeless for me to win the next week.


    The longest FG Lindell has hit in his bills career is 44 yards.  He was 17/24 last season, and only made 3 field goals longer than 39 yards.


    The decision was

    1) Take a longshot chance at the FG and if you miss give them the ball around the 50 yard line

    2) Punt the ball and make them drive 90 yards in 2 minutes.


    The 2nd choice IS THE CORRECT CHOICE.  Too bad our defense let us down, and its also too bad we couldnt have attempted that kick.  But with lindell, we had no other choice.  Would you be saying the same thing if lindell missed that kick?




    If that is the case, than the fact that Lindell is still on the team show a GLARING incompetence by both the GM and HC. How the f#*k could you have a guy on the team that has NO chance of making a 50 yard FG?


    And yes, I would be saying the same thing if he had missed. The ball wouldn't have been at the 50 and we only made them drive 80 yards as it happened. The net field position difference was 15-20 yards, making it worth the FG attempt..

  8. And I thought he failed the test:-(


    Opting for a measly 15yrds of field position instead of giving Lindell a shot to make it a 7pt lead: especially when the kick was inside 50 on a dry sunny day with the wind at the kicker's back.


    You gotta play to win, and Mularkey was playing not to lose today.







    I agree. Missing the 42 yarder doesn't mean it's hopeless from 50.

  9. So you're supporting an immediate start to a 2nd Korean War?

    NK has 10,000 pieces of artillery on their edge of the DMZ and could hit downtown Seoul with over 100,000 shells in the first 24 hrs of hostilities. We've got 30,000 troops positioned in the line of fire. We'd lose at least half of them overnight. I'm sure that would go over just great with the American public! And if we go nuclear against them, don't be surprised if the Japanese and the Chinese aren't part of that particular coalition.





    Gee, that could be a problem... :doh:


    I've also read that those artillary pieces are embedded into the sides of mountains so there is no way to even identify them, must less do anything to stop them (short of capturing the entire region which might take a little while).

  10. I remember the strange sensation of not being able to feel my feet when I walked and falling repeatedly due to this condition.



    Your first Bills game and you expect us to believe you were falling down because your feet were cold? I'm sure it had nothing to do with all that 'hot chocalate' you were drinking. :doh:

  11. It must have been great to be there Bart. I got home from the golf course in time to see the second half (good timing).


    I was so discouraged after last week I considered calling the bookie and betting on Michigan this week....good thing I didn't do that!


    It was a great performance, I am now totally confused about this team. Hopefully they will build on this and have a good year.



  12. I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday. The past couple years have been tough downtown during the memorial ceremonies. And now the far corner of our new offices looks right into the pit. It's amazing how the stories keep coming out. I dated a girl briefly over the summer who lost a brother at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was clearly still deeply affected. My sister works with a group of widows in CT and always has heartbreaking stories. And the guy who gave me a ride from the train back to the car dealer just this afternoon told me his wife was in the building that morning (somewhere in the 50s, she got out). Time heals, but it's something we won't ever forget.

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