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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Everyone's creeping up to the money god Putting tongues where they didn't ought to be On stepping stones of human hearts and souls Into the land of "nothing for free" Well the way that we're living Is all take and no giving There's nothing to believe in The loudest mouth will hail the new-found way To be king for a day Everyone's licking up to the new King Pin Trying to get way up with a smile Sing for your supper boy and jump to a finger click Ain't my way of living in style 'Cause the ladder gets longer And ambition gets stronger I can't satisfy the hunger That bad old moon has got you in its sway To be king for a day
  2. Still laugh remembering the small but might band who kept that thread going for months pumping Jackson pre-draft. 26 Cut 'n Paste thought Belichick was going to draft him!
  3. The usual, "oh easy, just Sling-Roko and add streaming This, Than and the Other via Broadband That I've Never Heard Of......" answers never do much for me! Guess I'm getting old....will wait till my kids are teenagers and can figure it out. By the time you do all the other stuff for TV, you still need to have internet and if you want a landline how much cheaper can it really all be? I'd pay $1000 for someone to not only provide an answer but come in and set it all up.
  4. You hear him howlin' around your kitchen door You better not let him in Little old lady got mutilated late last night Werewolves of London again Ah-hooo, werewolves of London Ah-hooo Ah-hooo, werewolves of London Ah-hooo, huh He's the hairy handed gent Who ran amok in Kent Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair You better stay away from him He'll rip your lungs out, Jim Huh, I'd like to meet his tailor Ah-hooo, werewolves of London Ah-hooo Ah-hooo, werewolves of London Ah-hooo Well, I saw Lon Chaney walkin' with the Queen Doin' the werewolves of London I saw Lon Chaney Junior walkin' with the Queen, uh Doin' the werewolves of London I saw a werewolf drinkin' a piña colada at Trader Vic's His hair was perfect Na Ah-hooo Werewolves of London Heh, draw blood Ah-hooo Werewolves of London
  5. Nope. Portland is where the full-on nut jobs go when they've decided SF has gone mainstream.
  6. Yeah...."we're" not paying anyone enough. Except the ones with the new cell phone and cable TV.
  7. This one's for the sexiest married woman I ever...uh....knew: Don't know why I'm survivin' ev'ry lonely day When there's got to be no chance for me My life would end And it doesn't matter how I cry My tears, so far, are a waste of time If I turn away Am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do If I can't have you I don't want nobody baby If I can't have you, uh-huh, oh If I can't have you I don't want nobody baby If I can't have you, uh-ho, oh oh oh Can't let go and it doesn't matter how I try I gave it up So easily To you my love To dreams that never will come true Am I strong enough to see it through Go crazy is what I will do If I can't have you I don't want nobody baby If I can't have you, uh-huh, oh If I can't have you I don't want nobody baby If I can't have you, uh-ho, oh
  8. My wife would be pissed if she saw how neat I generally keep my hotel room (unless she's with me of course). $10/day is insane though -- unless you're Richie Rich like you. I probably average $2/day, which is about $10/hr. p.s. Where are you getting this 'cops and firefighters panhandling' nonsense? Every panhandler I've ever seen is either a) a certified bum who hasn't held a real job in years or b) a professional begger (lots and lots of those).
  9. The Nintendo was brilliant. You gotta watch the full inning to catch all the great Scully lines. ’The Oil Can. At least for the moment, looks like he has tomorrow off.” Classic case of the moment being too big for the man. You can see it on his face. Yet another horrible managerial decision was bringing him back out to lose game 7.
  10. Help them cheat on their taxes so I can carry more of the burden? ***** that noise.
  11. George Michael died? Rough trip with the coyotes, ATF, etc?
  12. Second favorite, to the real goat of the ‘86 Series: Calvin Schiraldi. RIP
  13. No idea....I'll find out when I get to our host's place. First stop is local carnival with the kids at noon.
  14. RIP Always seemed like a class act from the old videos and interviews.
  15. People who are either that ignorant or that manipulative should be outlawed from publishing written works.
  16. Come on, seriously?? Now, he certainly belongs in the Hall of Guys Who Had Reasonably Good Success Over A Reasonably Long Career But Never Really Stood Out Or Matched The Top Guys Of His Era.
  17. I always wondered how often RE agents used clients houses as hook up spots.
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