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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. So what took you five years to get rid of her?? Immediate relief: get laid. It works. Long term relief: every day gets a little better. If course, if you really screwed up and shouldn't have let her get away.....go back and get her. But you better be sure if you go that route.
  2. Might have been the worst coaching decision since the Seahawks didn’t hand off to Lynch. I read this morning there’s a new rule that only allows two time outs in the last 3 minutes, so apparently the ‘thing to do’ now is to always call a time out with just over 3 mins left, regardless of the situation. Just like calling a TO to ‘ice’ a kicker who’s had to rush onto the field, or pulling your starting pitcher who’s throwing a two hit shutout because it’s the 8th inning and that means your set-up guy has to pitch, coaches going ‘by the book’ has cost teams more games than I could ever count.
  3. Couldn’t Gould just show up and miss every kick until they cut him? Bears would still take him back!
  4. Yup. I put $100,000 on the Blues and Raptors ending with a combined 0-5 record to blow both series. Gonna retire next week.
  5. The individual ‘delivery company’ strategy is what FedEx used to fend off the union organized crime syndicates.
  6. I hate AC. We’ve missed having it maybe 5 times in 3 years. One of my my millennials called in sick today because of the heat (‘light headed’). I can only hope for his sake the real reason was ‘hangover’.
  7. And each one of those loses is like a child, a unique gem to be valued and treasured forever.
  8. It will be awesome of Boston loses. It will completely suck if Boston wins.
  9. A million magic crystals painted pure and white A multi-million dollars almost overnight Twice as sweet as sugar Twice as bitter as salt And if you get hooked baby It's nobody else's fault - So don't do it! Don't you get too high, baby (It turns you on) You really turn me on and on (Can't you ever come down) My temperature is rising ('Til the thrill is gone) No! I don't want you to go A school kid gets arrested Gonna do some time He got out three years from now Just to commit more crime A businessman is caught With twenty four kilos He's out on bail, and out of jail And that's the way it goes! Cane! Sugar! (suger) Cane! (cane) Sugar! (suger) Cane! Athletes reject it Governor's correct it Gangsters, punks, and smugglers Are thoroughly respected The money gets divided The women get excited Now I'm broke and it's no joke It's hard as hell to fight it - don't buy it
  10. 90 degrees in SF today....people acting like the world is ending.
  11. This is every player in the NBA, right? As far as I can tell, they have all perfected the 'I'm super pissed off' face no matter the situation.
  12. I'm watching now....RJ is leading heading into the last event. I wonder how badly he'll blow it. Also, every episode I've watched, McNabb is horrible. But yes, I'll watch some girls soccer with my kids.
  13. First instinct was right. WTF were they doing trading for an over the hill paycheck player like Cano?
  14. That's not merely 'amusing', that's more like 'Kate Upton at my door wearing only a fur coat and high heels' fantasy. The left's new 'Original Sin'. Unbelievable how young leftists are now just mindless conformists.
  15. Oh my, a whole Faux News! rant over some idiot letting whores take his jewelry? That's even better than the original story!
  16. And here we thought all the ***** on Market Street came from the Tenderloin bums.
  17. Well in the good old days, Mexican guys used to border jump to get a job, crank out some cash and mail it home to the family in Mexico. One guy who cost society little or nothing and created productivity with his labor. Now, they just bring the whole family. So one to work but six to feed, cloth, educate, etc. Result is a whole lot of cost to society for the same productivity. And that math doesn't work.
  18. So he was supposed to dedicate the rest of his career to a completely hopeless franchise? Gut it out 82 games a year with the hope they might someday finish 13th in the conference? Gimmie a break.
  19. Are they serious?!? More than Montana for a guy that has proven NOTHING!! He was hurt constantly at Miami then played minor league pinball for a couple years because he knew he couldn't handle the big leagues. Wilson is senile. They will rue the day they threw all this money at Kelly in desperation. Mark my words!
  20. Montana was Brady in the era where you were allowed to touch the QB. Brady playing in the 80s would have retired 10 years ago.
  21. Debit cash, credit income. Get back to whatever I was doing before.
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